Home » Community » UCCE Mariposa to Offer UC Master Food Preserver Program
Image of a shelf containing preserved foods.
The University of California Master Food Preserver Program invites adults interested in helping others learn about safe home food preservation to apply for certification as a UC Master Food Preserver volunteer.

UCCE Mariposa to Offer UC Master Food Preserver Program

MARIPOSA — Want to Become a UC Master Food Preserver volunteer? UCCE Mariposa is proud to introduce you to its newest program, the UC Master Food Preserver Program, serving Mariposa, Tuolumne, Merced, Madera, and Fresno Counties!

Image of a large selection of jams, jellies, and other preserved foods for sale.

Image by snivdesign.

They will offer their second training class beginning in January and into June of 2023. They look forward to providing education on safe food preservation thereafter.

UC Master Food Preserver volunteers learn research-based food preservation techniques and then share that knowledge with their local community at online and in-person public classes and guest speaker presentations, through social media, and at information booths at farmers markets and county events.

Image of a shelf of preserves and jellies.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk.

Attend an online informational meeting to learn more about the volunteer requirements as well as the selection and training process. The session lasts one hour and will be recorded.

Attendance or viewing of the information meeting is a mandatory pre-requisite to apply.

The information meeting will be held on Friday, November 18, 2022, from Noon — 1 p.m.

Please RSVP online to attend the training information meeting at ucanr.edu/2023-mfp-training-mtg.

Image of mason jars filled with dried fruits and berries.

Image by CSU-Extension.

The 2023 UC Master Food Preserver program training classes will be a combination of online classes and in-person labs. The online classes are on 10 Fridays from 2 – 4 p.m. approximately twice per month beginning January 27.

In person hands-on labs will be held in Mariposa County on approximately two Saturdays per month (see our website for exact dates).

The UC Master Food Preserver training program consists of over 40 hours of intensive training. The fee for the training course is $175. This price includes three training manuals, class materials, and all lab expenses.

Image of a large jar of pickled cucumbers.

Image by Jerzy Górecki.

The 2023 Training Program is now open for applications at ucanr.edu/2023ucmfp.

Prior food preservation experience is not required.

Applications are due by the end of Sunday, December 4, 2022. A background check including fingerprinting is required upon acceptance.

Please click here for more information.

You may also contact Sheri Mace at smace@ucanr.edu.

2023 UC Master Food Preserver Volunteer Flyer (PDF)

Check out this short video on the basics of canning and food preservation! 

For more information, check out this even longer video!

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