This photo is of the Lisenby CCC Camp that we received from the Bass Lake District of the Sierra National Forest. We know there were two major Civilian Conservation Corps camps in North Fork during the 1930s. The one referred to as the North Fork Camp was located on Road 222 between North Fork and Manzanita Lake, but we don’t know where the Lisenby Camp was located.
Our mystery questions are – where was the Lisenby CCC Camp located, and what is the origin of the name Lisenby?
Provided by Connie Popelish
North Fork History Group
Follow-up from History Mystery #27
Second hand information tells of a man who worked in the area when the dam was built. He was checking the area that would be flooded by the lake for obstacles that needed to be removed before the water rose. He said the adobe China/Linnebecker Store was definitely not there at that time. One comment received was that similar old Adobe structures dissolved away in other lakes over time. Based on the workers information, the store was removed from the area and Grub Gulch 41-49 will continue to pursue an answer regarding the fate of the store.
We will report our findings back to the History Mystery series.
Thank You for your Comments,
Steve Varner
Historian, E. Clampus Vitus
CPS Camp No. 35, a Forest Service base camp was located in the “last abandoned” of four CCC camps that had served the Sierra National Forest a half mile northwest of North Fork, California.
Editorial Credit:
here is something I found that might help.
I was thinking maybe where the old North Fork Mill was located since I don’t believe the mill started until the 40’s.
I was on the Forest Service fire crew in about 1949 . At the time we used to go to the CCC camp to do hazard reduction work. The building in background looks familiar. At the time there where some things stored there. Also at the time North Fork was the Hq for Sierra NF . At the time the District Rangers name was Bill Horn his nick name was Peanuts because he always was munching on them. The camp was not far from the FS Hq but I do not think it was at the sawmill site .