Home » Community » North Fork Waste Tire Amnesty Day
This free event is for Madera County residents only. Proof of residency will be checked at the entrance. Read on for what types of items will be accepted.

North Fork Waste Tire Amnesty Day

NORTH FORK–Tire amnesty days provide residents with a convenient and cost-free opportunity to dispose of any tires around their households. During this event, the County accepts, and hauls away old tires turned in by residents to recycling centers—additionally, neighborhoods receive educational information on the benefits of proper tire handling.

Mark your calendar for the Waste Tire Amnesty Day on May 11, 2024. You must be a resident of Madera County and make a reservation by calling 559-675-7821 or emailing codeenforcementglobal@maderacounty.com.

Limit: 9 tires without rims will be accepted. Tractor/trailer tires will NOT be accepted.

This event receives funding by the California Integrated Waste Management Board.

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