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Woodcarver's Rendezvous Returns to Oakhurst

OAKHURST – The California Carvers Guild has announced the 6th Annual Oakhurst Woodcarver’s Rendezvous will take place for one week starting Sunday Apr. 14 and continuing through Sunday Apr. 21, at the Oakhurst Community Center.

“This special week of carving is guaranteed to be fun for the whole family, and we are extending a special invitation for everyone to come and join us,” says Larry Smith, co-chair of the event, which will feature carving classes, demonstrations and seminars for the whole family to enjoy.What can people expect at the Woodcarver’s Rendezvous? “They can expect a good time,” says Smith.

Woodcarvers Rendezvous 2010  photo Courtesy Larry Smith“Come and have fun carving with other carvers. The whole idea of this week is for everyone to learn a little bit about carving, including some new techniques. They can learn to make an Indian wooden flute, do some power carving, chip carving, relief carving, wood turning and a variety of other things.”

While the Rendezvous features carving as a main draw, there’s really no limit to what visitors may choose to do. The week is comfortably planned so people can attend a carving workshop on any given day during the week, but there’s a lot more than carving going on.

Some, including spouses and significant others, may also participate by learning to make pine needle baskets, do Swedish (huck) weaving, tatting and crochet. Smith’s wife Jean is an expert tatter.

Woodcarvers Rendezvous - photo Courtesy Larry Smith“We share three planned meals together during the week, and if they don’t want to carve they can go explore the community,” Smith explains. “Some carvers are married to quilters and they take the whole week and do nothing but quilt. Others come with their significant other for a day or two and then go do something else. Some may come and carve for a couple days then take a trip to Yosemite, go shopping or just kick back and relax.”

Registration for the entire week costs $105 for a single person or $160 per couple from the same household. Attendees will need to bring their own knives, tools and equipment.

Oakhurst Woodcarvers Rendezvous Bear 2012 Larry Smith“The fee is if you want to take classes,” says Smith. “If you want to watch you are welcome to do so at no cost to anybody. We have a special program for kids, as we’re trying to encourage kids to get involved with wood carving. We believe that some kind of a hobby is important for kids and for adults. When you come home from work, work should stay at work and not at home. That’s where carving comes in.”

Registrants will automatically receive two tickets to the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast scheduled for arrival day. Every participant gets a t-shirt and a goody bag, and raffles for prizes donated by community businesses will be held every day.

The Kiwanis will host a dinner for the Woodcarver’s Rendezvous the first night, followed later in the week by a picnic at the Community Center provided by the local Lions Club. Last year, more than 200 people attended the sit-down dinner.

Co-conspirators Larry and Jack - photo Courtesy Larry SmithThe third shared meal is the Friday night pot luck, and Saturday, Apr. 20, features an Open House.

In addition to help from the service clubs, the event is supported by the Oakhurst Chamber of Commerce, the Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau and the California Carvers Guild.

All the organizations involved with the Woodcarver’s Rendezvous are not-for-profit.

Special arrangements for lodging have been made with the Comfort Inn, High Sierra RV Park and Elks Lodge. For more information contact co-chairs Larry Smith at 559-658-2405 or Jack Parks at 562-425-0732.

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