MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES — Many of you have registered for soccer, but teams are starting to form and you need to make sure you are on a team with your classmates.
Make sure you upload the birth certificate and picture.
Clinic-style soccer for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old and regulation modified soccer for 6 thru 11-year-old, with all-girl and all-boy teams. There is travel soccer for those 12-and-older or home league coed soccer.
Games start after Labor day and run every Saturday until Thanksgiving. Games are scheduled at Yosemite High School. Students are placed on teams according to the school they attend or the school they would like to play on.
Pricing: $70 for those 3-to-11 and $80 for those 12-and-older. Registration and payment is all online. Please click here.
If your child is in a home school program, they will be placed by school of residence unless you prefer another school. Some schools like Raymond and Spring Valley may not have enough players for a team in every age group so choose the school of your choice, for example: Rivergold, Coarsegold, or North Fork.
They are continuing to search for coach volunteers for all age groups. To be a coach you must be fingerprinted through the CYSA North organization. This can be done locally at Sierra Global Tech / Oakhurst Business Center in Oakhurst. You only need the background check once, so if you have coached before and cleared you should be good. Online classes are available and must be completed every year. This includes Concussion Awareness, Safe Sports, and Safety. There is no charge for these and need to be completed online before you can coach.
Thank you to those who have already registered or volunteered.