Hello Sierra Art Trails artists, supporters, and friends,
The 2019 “All Artists Meeting” will be held on Sunday, August 18th at Queen’s Inn in Oakhurst. Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The meeting is an important milestone leading up to the show, a chance for artists to get to know each other, our volunteers and supporters, and the planning committee that puts the event together.
The meeting is a pot-luck affair. Please bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert to share. BBQ and beverages will be provided. Participants are encouraged to provide something special. The fabulous food that is shared is an important aspect of the gathering.
Please Note – This is NOT a public event. Participating artists, site hosts, advertisers and sponsors are invited to attend. Spouses or a guest are welcome.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help set up and staff the event, and to tidy up after. Please call or email us if you are available to help with set-up, greeting and signing in of attendees, errands, etc. Please call 559-658-8844 or e-mail us at admin@sierraarttrails.org.
Deb Payne and Anna Marie Remedios of Queen’s Inn and Idle Hour Winery are long standing supporters of Sierra Art Trails. The Inn and winery have been popular SAT sites for many years.
The address is:
41139 Highway 41
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Telephone: 559-683-4354
Queen’s Inn is located just north of Gallery Row in Oakhurst, and just south of Sweetwater Steakhouse, on the east side of the street.
Don’t know where it is? Follow this GOOGLE MAP link.
See you there!
Jon Bock and the Sierra Art Trails Planning Committee
2019 CATALOGS: The 2019 Sierra Art Trails catalog is now available at Gallery Row, and will be available next week at sales locations throughout the area! Sales locations are listed on the SAT 2019 brochure and on our website. The catalog is a work of art in itself, with a beautiful gallery section, stimulating articles, and the cover featuring work by Trowzers Akimbo!
Catalogs can also be ordered on the web at sierraarttrails.org/order.
You can pick up your complimentary artist’s copy and / or advertising copy at Williams Gallery or Stellar Gallery during regular business hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Monday (closed Tuesday ), or at the “All Artists Meeting.”
Art Trails brochures, post cards, and posters are also available (while supplies last.)
A Selection of Works by Sierra Art Trails 2019 artists K-Jewel Art Gallery 1415 Fulton Street, Fresno, CA.
On display through August 30th. The gallery is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For purchase inquiries call 559-658-8844 or email admin@sierraarttrails.org.
Find Out More at SierraArtTrails.org.
Sierra Art Trails is a 501c4 non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting working artists and artisans by promoting and showcasing their work, fostering the visual arts and art education in our area, and benefiting our communities by establishing a reputation for the region as an arts destination.
Copyright © 2019 Sierra Art Trails, All rights reserved.
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Sierra Art Trails
PO Box 3045
Oakhurst, CA 93644-0340
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