Home » Bass Lake » North Fork Scouts Christmas Tree Sale At The Library
North Fork Scouts cutting Christmas trees - photo courtesy of Dave Smith

North Fork Scouts Christmas Tree Sale At The Library

NORTH FORK — The North Fork Scout Fund’s annual Christmas Tree sale will begin on Saturday, Dec. 2 in the parking lot at the North Fork Library.

Fresh, locally grown, red fir (silver tip) in a variety of sizes through at least 16 ft. will be available.

Tree sales will begin at 9 a.m. on Dec. 2, and continue daily until sold out.

The lot, located behind the library in North Fork, will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends and 3:30 to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

For best selection, come within the first 10 days. Scout mom Nancy Wisseman says that last year they were nearly sold out by the second weekend and had to harvest more trees, so you’ll want to come early!

Proceeds from the sale of trees are used to help fund all the Scouting units in North Fork (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies and Girl Scouts).

Members of these units and their families, along with members of the community, have cut and hauled the trees, and will staff the tree lot during business hours.

If you have a young person who is interested in scouting, please contact Dave Smith, Scoutmaster, at 559-877-2186 or Rosie Ahrens, Cubmaster, at 559-287-0463.

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