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Motorcycle Club Hosts Fundraiser for Mariposa Firefighters

COARSEGOLD — The Sierra Shadow Casters (SSC) Motorcycle Club will be hosting its annual Sierra Moonshine Poker Run fundraiser for the Mariposa County Volunteer Fire Departments on Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Mariposa Fairgrounds Amigo Stage area at 1 p.m.

The public is invited to come out and enjoy the BBQ lunch served by volunteer firefighters, and live music from Fresno’s classic rock band L Train.

A donation of $15 is requested for the meal and entertainment. Other fund-raising activities include a 50/50 and raffle drawing as well as a special $5 raffle with four separate drawings for a Traeger Bronson Wood Pellet Grill – donated by Mariposa ACE Hardware; a Char-Broil gas smoker donated by Oakhurst True Value; a 5-hour Party Boat rental for 13 people donated by Millers Landing at Bass Lake; and compliments of Tenaya Lodge, a one-night stay and meal for two at their beautiful 4-star resort.

For those who ride any type of street-legal motorcycle, a 57-mile poker run is scheduled in the morning starting from the Mariposa County Fairgrounds through the Sierra foothills.

The ride will make five stops along the route to draw a playing card from a standard deck of cards. Each card drawn is noted on a “poker hand sheet” and at the end of the run the person with the highest hand wins a cash prize. The game also pays the individual with the low hand.

Riders will leave the fairgrounds at 9:30 a.m. and make their way to the Coulterville fire station (Company 26) for the first card draw. Next, the group will take scenic Highway 132 to Don Pedro fire station (Company 24) for the second card stop.

From there the route follows Merced Falls Road to Hornitos for the third card draw at the historic Plaza Bar. Riders then travel to the Catheys Valley volunteer fire station (Company 23) for the fourth card draw. The fifth card draw and final stop is back to the fairgrounds.

Sponsors for the event include Sierra Tel, High Country Health Foods and Café, Pioneer Market, and Savory’s Restaurant who is providing the adult beverages. Numerous other mountain area business are joining the support effort every day.

Those interested in contributing to the prize pool or becoming a financial sponsor or vendor may contact SSC Club President Mark Aston for more information at 559- 974-3328.

The Sierra Shadow Casters board of directors voted last October to donate the proceeds from the “Sierra Moonshine Poker Run” to the Mariposa County volunteer fire departments. With the aftermath of the Detwiler tragedy, this event has taken on heightened importance.

“Volunteer firefighters are not generally given much thought until you need them,” says Sierra Shadow Casters VP Paul Hall. “The Detwiler fire has certainly reminded all of us how important our emergency crews are. This event is a wonderful opportunity to come out and thank the brave men and women for their service to our community.”

Motorcycle riders can pre-register for the run at www.sierrashadowcasters.com or sign up the morning of the event from 8 to 9:15 a.m. Kickstands up at 9:30 a.m. Single rider is $25 and rider with passenger is $40.

A commemorative ride pin is given to the first 150 poker run registrants.

The fairgrounds event is open to the non-riding public at 1 p.m., with a $15 donation requested at the gate.

For those unable to make the event in person but would like to donate can visit the SSC website to make a contribution.

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