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Mariposa County Arts Council-This Must Be the Place

MARIPOSA – The Mariposa County Arts Council invites the community of Mariposa to participate in a snapshot project for the Creative Placemaking Master Plan, a partnership project with the Mariposa County Planning Department that captures Mariposa’s community members in their favorite local places or at their most-loved events.

The project asks community members to submit one photo of themselves in their favorite place or event in Mariposa County. This can be an existing photo (anything from a favorite event at the County Fair or a family-treasured river spot, to an old highschool campus snapshot) or a newly created image specific to this project. The images submitted will help the Arts Council and Planning Department know what places and events in Mariposa are special to people and thus where and how to invest in creative and artistic resources such as public art, cultural programming, and creative placemaking projects.

“The more people who participate, the better this project will be, ” says Arts Council Executive Director, Cara Goger.

“While communities have been applying its principles for ages, Creative Placemaking is the recently defined practice of harnessing the power of the arts, culture and creativity to serve a community’s interests while supporting change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.

I am so excited the Arts Council is partnered with the Planning Department to develop a county-wide Creative Placemaking Master Plan to identify policies, projects, and programs that will leverage art and design to make our community better. By helping to express what is special and unique about Mariposa, this plan and its recommendations will support our economy, our lifestyles, and our senses of identity and place.

It’s important to us that this plan accurately reflects our community so we need your help and input. This is the first of several stakeholder engagement opportunities where we will be asking for public feedback – and this time it’s a show not tell project. We want you to show us the places and events that make Mariposa special to you and from those images we will build the equivalent of a community photo album. Plus, we miss you and this is a fun way to stay connected during this time of social distancing.”

Submitted images must feature a person in a place, rather than just landscapes.

To submit an image, please visits www.mariposaartscouncil.org/this-must-be-the-place and submit your image information using the simple submission option, which will ask for the following information:

  • Your name
  • A 1-2 sentence caption explaining why you shared that photo
  • How long you’ve lived in Mariposa
  • Your age (optional, but helpful to us if you are so inclined)
  • A .jpg or .pdf attachment image (10mg maximum)

Alternatively, you may submit photos/information these ways as well:

  • Email the Arts Council’s Operations Manager, Alicia Rodriguez at rodriguez@mariposaartscouncil.org
  • Hashtag a photo on social media #ThisMustBeThePlaceMariposa
  • Mail in a photo with a return envelope to: Mariposa County Arts Council, P.O. Box 2134, Mariposa, CA 95338 – we’ll scan your photo and mail it back to you.

Submissions will be shared on social media and other creative projects throughout the rest of the year and beyond.

Please note: 1. If creating a new photo, please be safe and practice proper social distancing. 2. Legal disclaimer for this project below:

This Must Be the Place disclaimer – by submitting your photograph, you hereby give Mariposa County Arts Council the unqualified right to use your likeness, image, photo (collectively, “image”), without compensation, for broadcast, exhibition or marketing in any medium and to put the finished product  to any legitimate use without limitation or reservation. You hereby waive, release and forever discharge Mariposa County Arts Council from and against any and all claims or actions arising out of or resulting from any use of your image. Mariposa County Arts Council shall not be obligated to use, and may elect not to use, your image.

The Arts Council, is an incorporated not-for-profit organization, created to promote and support all forms of the cultural arts, for all ages, throughout Mariposa County and is supported in part by the County of Mariposa, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the California Arts Council, a state agency.

The Arts Council, is an incorporated not-for-profit organization, created to promote and support all forms of the cultural arts, for all ages, throughout Mariposa County and is supported in part by the County of Mariposa, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the California Arts Council, a state agency.

Mariposa County Arts Council

(209) 966-3155





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