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Madera County Academic Decathlon Lecture Day

MADERA — Yosemite High and Chawanakee Academy decathletes will join students from throughout California for the Madera County Academic Decathlon Lecture Day on Thursday, Oct. 26.  Valley experts will lecture on six subject areas to more than 600 students from throughout the state.

“For 11 years we have been able to bring this wonderful event to Madera,” says Dr. Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools.  “We are excited to offer this event to all decathletes!”

Decathletes will be invited to attend four of seven sessions throughout the day.

Sessions will include: Art of Africa, presented by Susana Sosa, Fresno City College professor; Literature, Things Fall Apart, presented by Art Davis, Madera County Superintendent of Schools director; Music of Africa, presented by Dr. Dieter Wulfhorst, Fresno Pacific University professor; Atlantic Slave Trade, presented by Dr. Kevin Dawson, UC Merced professor; Imperialism and Independence, presented by Dr. Muey Saeteurn, UC Merced professor; Infectious Diseases, presented by Dr. Katrina Hoyer, UC Merced professor and Dr. Kirk Jensen, UC Merced professor; and Speech, presented by Dr. Brad Millar, Madera Center professor.

“We are grateful to the local experts and professors who generously share their knowledge and expertise with our students to help them prepare for the Academic Decathlon,” said David Hernandez, president, Madera County Schools Foundation.
Professors will lecture for at least two 50 minute sessions throughout the day.

Each session will be geared toward the topics and areas of study for the 2018 Academic Decathlon.  This year’s Decathlon theme is Africa.  Students will take tests in art, economics, language and literature, math, music, science and social science.

The lectures will be held from 10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. at Movies Madera, located at 1140 N Gateway Drive.  Each speaker will lecture in a theater and students will move about the different theaters.

Owner Bob Gran is donating the theater and staff for the event.  The event is sponsored by Madera County Schools Foundation and Madera County Superintendent of Schools.

For more information or if you would like to attend, please contact Kristi Winter at Madera County Superintendent of Schools, 559-662-3873.

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