EASTERN MADERA COUNTY — With less than a month until the election, Bobby Macaulay’s overwhelming community support for Madera County Supervisor District 5 continues to grow each day.
Earlier this month, Bobby was endorsed by Madera County Sheriff Tyson Pogue – a lifelong District 5 resident, Madera County District Attorney Sally Moreno, and former District 5 Supervisor Gary Gilbert.
“As a lifelong District 5 resident, I am proud to endorse Bobby Macaulay for Supervisor,” said Sheriff Pogue. “Not only am I invested in the well-being of the community as a Sheriff, but also as somebody who grew up in the mountain communities of Madera County. I am confident that Bobby’s experience and community involvement will make him a great representative for our mountain communities.”
“As a previous Madera County Fire Chief/CalFire Unit Chief and Madera County Supervisor, District 5, I have had numerous meetings and discussions with both District 5 County Supervisor candidates and I am proud to endorse and recommend Bobby Macaulay to be our next District 5 Supervisor,” said former Supervisor Gilbert. “It is my firm belief that he will work with and for us to find and encourage local solutions to our issues that are under the control of the Board of Supervisors.”
Bobby Macaulay has a proven track record of achieving results for our communities and as our Madera County Supervisor, will prioritize public safety, wildfire prevention, and a strong economy in Eastern Madera County.
Community Leaders and Individuals Support Bobby Macaulay
- Madera County Sheriff Tyson Pogue
- Madera County District Attorney Sally Moreno
- Former Supervisor Gary Gilbert & Gail Gilbert
- Yosemite Unified Trustee Bernie McGoldrick
- Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig (representing Fresno’s mountains and foothills)
- Ali Terzian
- Anna Remedios
- Ashley & Jason Burns
- Ashley Griffin
- Ashley Nebeker
- Barbara & Kurt Starkey
- Barbara Cone
- Barbara Liss
- Bernie McGoldrick
- Beth Carver
- Bill & Irene Keener
- Bill & Nanette Ritchey
- Bobbie & Christopher Duncanson
- Brenda Joseph
- Brian & Jen Casey
- Brian McNamara
- Bruce Persson
- Casey & Linsey Hawkins
- Catherine Mallen
- Catherine Wieland
- Chad Drew
- Chelsea Wihite
- Cheryce Chartier
- Christopher Baker
- Cole Burnette
- Corley Phillips
- Dana Szabadi
- Dane Baldwin
- Dave & Louise Nemeth
- Deb & Dave Sprinkel
- Diane Boland
- Diane Mello
- Don Pool
- Donna Davis
- Donna & Duane Smith
- Doug & Susan Macaulay
- Doug Reeves & Marilyn Rigg
- Edward & Shirley Bailey
- Elissa Brown
- Elizabeth Mallen
- Eric Oefler
- Erica & Andrew Pence
- Evan Jacobs
- Evan Smith
- Frank Bardonaro
- Frank Simonis
- George Sitts
- Ginger Foust
- Gregory Cherney
- Hans Mosher
- Heather Taylor
- Helen Stotler
- Hermann Boosten
- James Maxwell
- Janet Scroggins
- Jeff & Sheila Boyd
- Jeff & Dianna Conaway
- Jeff & Heather Nockett
- Jenny Castillo, Owner
- John Buada
- John Honnette
- Jon & Whitney Nickel
- Jorge Negrete
- Joy Ann Bonham
- Julie & David Konno
- Karen McCarty
- Karla Estupinian
- Karren Neklason
- Katherine Emerick
- Kathy Musacchio
- Kelly & Della Green
- Kenneth Abreu
- Kevin Lazarcheff
- Kevin & Michelle Miller
- Kim & Gary Brown
- Kim Morris
- Kimberly Rose
- Kirsten Englund
- Kriszti Mendonca
- Larry & Christy Smith
- Laura Young
- Laura & Roman Zabicki
- Laura Hayth
- Leia Franke
- Lesley Smith
- Leslie & Ron Cox
- Lindsay & Jesse Pence
- Lisa & Robert Saroyan
- Liz Romo
- Lori Silverman
- Lura Smith
- Maria Homsi
- Maria and Jen Simmon
- Mark & Shinaz Choe
- Mary Pence
- Matt & Donna Henderson
- Matt Borland
- Matt Freeman
- Melanie Barker
- Melissa & Kenny Buller
- Michael Karby
- Michele Thrapp
- Mike Benbrook
- Mike Horsanian, DDS
- Mike Sullivan
- Nancy & Clay Beavers
- Nicholas & Angela Dehart
- Nick Schneider
- Nick Vanlandingham
- Noreen Trombley
- Pam Badgeley
- Pam Latham
- Paul Boortz
- Peggy Chochran
- PJ Grant
- Randy Sacks
- Ray Kern
- Regina & Ryan Fullmer
- Reid Spice
- Rhonda & David Salisbury
- Rima Runzel
- Rob Snyder
- Robert Atland
- Robert Hopkins
- Robertta Tackett
- Ron Driggs
- Ronda & Joseph Clarke
- Russ & Leanne Shaw
- Sabrina Ostrowski
- Sarah Dominico
- Scott & Jennifer Michel
- Shannan Wyman
- Sharon Fitzgerald
- Shelle Abbott
- Sherry Baxter
- Sherry & Ron Colgate
- Sondra & Russ Duncanson
- Stacey Ahlgrenwise
- Stella & Angelo Pizello
- Stephanie Simonian
- Stephhen Streeter
- Steve Bricker
- Steve & Melanie Lopez
- Steve & Cindy Welch
- Sue Sylvester
- Susan & John Reed
- Teresa Dyer
- Tom & Tammy Tuso
- Tony Olmedo
- Tracy Ackroid
- Travis McCarty
- Valerie Stephens
- Vickie Fouts
- Yuli Gotsev
…and hundreds more residents and community leaders.
Organizations Supporting Bobby Macaulay
- Madera County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
- CAL Fire LOCAL 2881
- Madera County Prosecutors’ Association
- Madera County Peace Officers’ Management Unit
- Valley Young Republicans
Macaulay is also supported by the Madera Association of Realtors, the Fresno Association of Realtors, and has earned an A+ rating from the San Joaquin Valley Taxpayers’ Association.