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Legal Notice of Election: Raymond/Knowles Union School District Bond Measures

RAYMOND-KNOWLES — Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Raymond-Knowles Union School District of Madera County, California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, an election will be held on March 3, 2020 within the District, at which election the following measures shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the District and voted upon:

Measure P
To construct a multi-purpose center for school and community use; and update and modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Raymond-Knowles Union School District’s measure be adopted authorizing $1,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $100,000 annually while bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local projects?

Measure Q
To modernize and construct classrooms, restrooms and other school facilities; and make health, safety and accessibility upgrades and improvements; shall Raymond-Knowles Union School District’s measure be adopted authorizing $1,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $100,000 annually while bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local projects?

Theses measures shall not take effect unless and until approved by a vote of at least 55% of the voters voting on the question.

The Resolution and Tax Rate Statement are on file with the County Clerk-Recorder and shall be published in the County Voter Information Guide.

All of the purposes enumerated in the foregoing measures shall be voted upon as two separate measures, with precincts, places of holding the elections and officers appointed to conduct the elections to be the same as those provided for the Consolidated Presidential Primary Election to be held on March 3, 2020.

This election has been called pursuant to Resolution number 406.2019-2020 (Measure P) and Resolution number 407.2019-2020 as adopted on November 25, 2019. The Elections Official of the County of Madera hereby gives formal notice of the election in accordance with the provisions of Elections Code Section 12101.

The following are the filing periods associated with submitting Arguments For or Against the measure listed above:

Dec. 7 to Dec. 16:  Submit Arguments For or Against Measure
Dec. 17 to Dec. 27:  Public Examination Period of Arguments/Rebuttals
Dec. 17 to Dec. 27:  Submit Rebuttals to Arguments For or Against Measure
Dec. 28 to Jan. 7, 2020:  Public Examination Period for Rebuttals

Submission of arguments shall be filed in accordance with California Elections Code Sections 9501 to 9509.  The governing board of the district or any member or members of the district authorized by the governing board, or any individual voter who is eligible to vote on the measure, or a bona fide association of citizens, or any combination of such voters and associations my file a written argument for or against any measure.  No argument shall exceed 300 words in length.  The elections official shall cause an argument for and an argument against the measure, if submitted, to be printed, and shall include the arguments, preceded by the analysis, in the voter information pamphlet that accompanies the sample ballot.

Printed arguments submitted to the voters shall be titled either “Argument in Favor of Measure ____” or “Argument Against Measure ____”.  Words in the title shall not be counted when determining the length of any argument.  If more than one argument for or more than one argument against any measure is submitted, the county elections official shall select one of the arguments in favor and one of the arguments against for printing and distribution to the voters.

Pursuant to California Elections Code Section 9600, all arguments concerning measures filed pursuant to this division shall be accompanied by a statement signed by each proponent and by each author, if different, of the argument.

When the county elections official has selected the arguments for and against the measure which will be printed and distributed to the voters, the elections official shall send copies of the argument in favor to the authors of the argument against, and copies of the argument against, to the authors of the argument in favor.  The authors may prepare and submit rebuttal arguments not exceeding 250 words.  Rebuttal arguments shall be printed in the same manner as the direct arguments.  Each rebuttal shall be titled “Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure ___” or “Rebuttal to Argument Against Measure ___”.  Words used in the title shall not be counted when determining the length of any rebuttal argument.

The elections official shall make a copy of the materials submitted available for public examination in her office for a period of 10 calendar days immediately following the filing deadline for the submission of those documents.  Any person may obtain a copy of the materials from the elections official.  The elections official may charge a fee to any person obtaining a copy of the material.  The fee may not exceed the actual cost incurred by the elections official in providing the copy.

The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the day of the election.  The boundaries of the voting precincts within the County, the location of the vote centers and ballot drop boxes, and the names of the officers selected to conduct the election shall be determined by the Registrar of Voters of Madera County.

For more information, contact the County Clerk-Recorder, Elections Division at 559-675-7720 or toll free at 1-800-435-0509.


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