OAKHURST — Do you have a musical instrument lying around the house? Do you play it regularly? Or, has it been sitting in your basement for some decades gathering dust? Maybe you just take it out periodically to prove to your kids that you are still a “fine” musician?
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for a few months, a few years, or a few decades, everyone with a musical background is welcome and encouraged to join the Oakhurst Community Concert Band (OCCB).
The OCCB is the result of a few musicians’ lifelong love of music — and their refusal to “let the music die.”
OCCB welcomes band musicians of all levels of musical talent.
Directed by Michael Corrigan, who has been an instrumental music educator and performance judge in California for forty-five years, the OCCB rehearses on Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Yosemite High School band room during the school year.
Concerts are traditionally performed three times each year.
Band members are all volunteers, ranging in age from junior high school students to octogenarians.
This year’s season begins with the first rehearsal on Monday, September 9 in the Yosemite High School band room beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Those interested in participating can come a little earlier and meet the friendly band members before Mike cracks that baton!
What: Oakhurst Community Concert Band rehearsal
When: Mondays from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., beginning Sept. 9
Where: Yosemite High School band room (50200 High School Rd, Oakhurst)
Questions? Contact OCCB online at http://www.oakhurstband.org/index.html#contact
The Oakhurst Community Concert Band is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation, and is supported by generous donations from corporate sponsors and community service groups, as well as individual music lovers. We don’t do fundraisers and have four levels of sponsorship:
1. $100 Concert Donors
2. $300 Concert Major Sponsors
3. $500 Concert Benefactors
4. $1000 Concert Grand Masters
Sponsors will receive recognition in our promotional pieces and concert programs. For more information about OCCB, our rehearsals and performances, contact:
Bob Labozetta
Publicity Committee, Oakhurst Community Concert Band