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Jenkins To Run For Yosemite School Board Area 5

OAKHURST — Today, in the foothills of Eastern Madera County, Carrie Jenkins announced her candidacy for governing board member of the Yosemite Unified School District (YUSD) Area 5.

She is running in order to serve and advocate for the students and families of the Yosemite Unified School District.

Carrie Jenkins is motivated by her belief that thoughtful and strategic investments in children and young people bring exponential positive returns to the community and the world at large. She and her young adult daughters are all Yosemite High School alumni. As such, she has had firsthand experience serving students and families through her various volunteer roles on the PTA and Parent Booster Boards.

She is keenly aware of the challenges that are facing the community.

With a tempered and balanced approach to problem solving, she is uniquely positioned to navigate these concerns, while maintaining respectful dialogue with those who may have opposing views. Given the social divisions we are facing as a country, Carrie Jenkins recognizes that the members of the YUSD board working with the community have an opportunity to model and promote unity and integrity for all the youth and families they have the honor to serve.

She views her involvement in community service as a way to live her best life.

Some of her current service commitments include serving as Co-Chair Sierra Eco-Action Satellite Rotary Club, Oakhurst Chamber of Commerce member, Alliance for Community Transformation Board Member and Court Appointed Special Advocate for Mariposa CASA. She brings not only a mind for fiscal management through her bookkeeping background, but also a creative and open-minded perspective, which she demonstrates through her successful photography business.

Ms. Jenkins believes wholeheartedly that students in the YUSD are deserving of the best efforts of board members, staff and parents to collaborate in order to resolve the issues specific to their community and to promote the best outcomes for the children. She looks forward to the opportunity to be part of that solution.

Her priorities include improving student support, increasing academic opportunities and diversifying student achievement pathways through programmatic and cultural improvements on campuses.

Carrie Jenkins is a bright, humble, knowledgeable, and courageous person who leads from the heart. She would appreciate your vote in Area 5!

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