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Happy Days, Highway 41 From Oakhurst To Yosemite Opens!

OAKHURST — After more than 10 days with the most traveled route into Yosemite National Park closed down due to a wildfire, the Madera County Sheriff’s Office has announced that the roadway will reopen at 2 p.m. today.

Motorists should use caution while traveling in the area while fire equipment and firefighters continue operations.

All turnouts and parking areas between Cedar Valley Drive and Fish Camp are closed for fire equipment. Please do not park or stop within those turnouts and parking areas.

For additional information, please contact the Railroad Fire Information Line at 559-373-0040.

The public is to remain vigilant on current fire conditions in the area.

SAFETY MESSAGE: If you see electrical wires on the ground, stay clear and contact PG&E immediately. Trees and poles with deep charring, particularly still smoking, should be considered hazardous. PG&E is ready to assist and can be contacted at 1-800-743-5000.

Please drive carefully as emergency responders continue to operate in the area.

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