MADERA COUNTY — For the second consecutive year, Glacier High School Charter prevailed, making them the champions of the 41st Madera County Academic Decathlon.
Glacier High will advance to the state competition March 24-26. They earned a score of 27,282.10 and will advance to the California Academic Decathlon and compete against the best teams in the state.
Seven schools competed Saturday in this 10-event competition answering questions based on the topic “The American Revolution and the New Nation.”
Madera South High School came in second place with Liberty High School placing third. Chawanakee Academy Charter, Chowchilla Union High School, Madera High School, and Matilda Torres High School also competed in this 10-event competition.
“We are proud of all of our student decathletes for their dedication and determination to succeed. The excitement of the decathletes from Glacier High School Charter was contagious and we wish them the best of luck at their first in-person state competition.” said Dr. Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools.
Decathlon teams are comprised of up to 25 members competing in three levels of competition: Honor (A), Scholastic (B) and Varsity (C) students.
Glacier High School Charter won the Super Quiz competition. The Super Quiz format this year allowed students in each round to discuss the question before making their individual selections.
“The Super Quiz is a great opportunity for parents and community members to see the students compete as a team,” said Dr. Massetti. “This year’s Super Quiz tested students’ knowledge across all subject areas covered in this year’s theme.”
A total of 110 medals were handed out at the awards ceremony.
- Chawanakee Academy Charter received a bronze medal.
- Chowchilla Union High received 15 medals: 6 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze.
- Glacier High Charter received 29 medals: 13 gold, 11 silver and 5 bronze.
- Liberty High was awarded 37 medals: 7 gold, 8 silver and 22 bronze.
- Madera High received 2 silver medals.
- Madera South High received 21 medals: 6 gold, 6 silver and 9 bronze.
- Matilda Torres High was awarded 6 medals: 4 silver and 2 bronze.
Eli Lockwood, a senior from Glacier High School Charter was the top scoring decathlete this year, scoring 6,368.6 points out of 10,000 across the ten events.
Eli received the Educational Employees Credit Union Outstanding Scholar Award of $500.
The top scoring senior from each school will receive a $250 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Top Senior scholarship.
The following students earned the senior honors:
- Chawanakee Academy Charter: Elijah Linn
- Chowchilla Union High School: Jeevan Grewal
- Glacier High School Charter: Corban Stanford
- Liberty High School: Emily Boatwright
- Madera South High School: Evelyn Santiago-Sanchez
The Glacier High team members who will be attending the state competition, led by coach Bruce Boe, include:
- Honors Division: Eli Lockwood, Noah Mellon, Ava Simonich
- Scholastic Division: Rene Quentin Gonzalez, Corban Stanford
- Varsity Division: Damien Cunningham, Jonathan Gorham, Levi Rumohr
The Madera County Academics Decathlon is funded by donations from local businesses and community members. The Madera County Schools Foundation proudly supports the event.
The following is a list of students who received medals.
Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Silver: Angelina Alvarez, Chowchilla Union High School
Bronze: Brooklyn Lopez, Madera South High School
Gold: Norma Gomez, Madera South High School
Gold: Marisa Guevara-Lopez, Madera South High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Bronze: Angelica Cervantes-Hernandez, Madera South High School
Bronze: Karina Alvarez-Ibanes, Matilda Torres High School
Gold: Damien Cunningham, Glacier High School
Silver: Marco Pena, Liberty High School
Bronze: Cynthia Punongbayan, Liberty High School
Bronze: Morgyn Lindsay, Liberty High School
Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Silver: Emily Childers, Madera High School
Bronze: Juliana Gonzalez, Liberty High School
Bronze: Noah Mellon, Glacier High School
Gold: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Silver: Karina Alvarez-Ibanes, Matilda Torres High School
Bronze: Nerick Gomez Hernandez, Chowchilla Union High School
Gold: Levi Rumohr, Glacier High School
Silver: Marco Pena, Liberty High School
Bronze: Andrew Armstrong, Liberty High School
Gold: Angelina Alvarez, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Jeevan Grewal, Chowchilla Union High School
Bronze: Lihna Song, Chowchilla Union High School
Gold: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Silver: Norma Gomez, Madera South High School
Bronze: Isabelle O’Neill, Liberty High School
Gold: Alberto Garnica-Navarro, Madera South High School
Silver: Levi Rumohr, Glacier High School
Bronze: Morgyn Lindsay, Liberty High School
Gold: Angelina Alvarez, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Luvjeet Singh, Chowchilla Union High School
Bronze: Yehna Song, Chowchilla Union High School
Gold: Vienna Vasquez, Liberty High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Bronze: Rene Quentin Gonzalez, Glacier High School
Gold: Morgyn Lindsay, Liberty High School
Silver: Brian Ordaz, Matilda Torres High School
Bronze: Gerri Punongbayan, Liberty High School
Language & Literature
Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Silver: Angelina Alvarez, Chowchilla Union High School
Bronze: Emily Boatwright, Liberty High School
Gold: Elvia Guadalupe-Lopez, Madera South High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Silver: Brenda Perez-Navarro, Madera South High School
Bronze: Vienna Vasquez, Liberty High School
Gold: Andrew Armstrong, Liberty High School
Silver: Damien Cunningham, Glacier High School
Bronze: Omar Zarate, Liberty High School
Gold: Nelson Reitz, Glacier High School
Silver: Elanah Prugh, Liberty High School
Silver: Emily Childers, Madera High School
Bronze: Elena Somilleda, Liberty High School
Gold: Norma Gomez, Madera South High School
Gold: Isabelle O’Neill, Liberty High School
Gold: Nerick Gomez Hernandez, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Bronze: Easton Seymour, Chawanakee Academy Charter
Bronze: Angelica Cervantes-Hernandez, Madera South High School
Gold: Morgyn Lindsay, Liberty High School
Silver: Ashley Banuelos, Madera South High School
Silver: Marco Pena, Liberty High School
Silver: Jose Giron, Liberty High School
Bronze: Gerri Punongbayan, Liberty High School
Bronze: Jimboy Jimenez, Liberty High School
Bronze: Andrew Armstrong, Liberty High School
Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Silver: Josselyn Chavez, Madera South High School
Silver: Rosabelle Flores, Madera South High School
Bronze: Elanah Prugh, Liberty High School
Bronze: Noah Mellon, Glacier High School
Gold: Norma Gomez, Madera South High School
Silver: Brenda Perez-Navarro, Madera South High School
Bronze: Karina Alvarez-Ibanes, Matilda Torres High School
Gold: Andrew Armstrong, Liberty High School
Silver: Damien Cunningham, Glacier High School
Silver: Jonathan Gorham, Glacier High School
Bronze: Alberto Garnica-Navarro, Madera South High School
Gold: Madison Marion, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Emily Boatwright, Liberty High School
Bronze: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Bronze: Rosabelle Flores, Madera South High School
Gold: Nerick Gomez Hernandez, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Bronze: Isabelle O’Neill, Liberty High School
Bronze: Aiden Lamerson, Madera South High School
Gold: Andrew Armstrong, Liberty High School
Silver: Jesus Ortiz-Ramos, Madera South High School
Silver: Brian Ordaz, Matilda Torres High School
Bronze: Omar Zarate, Liberty High School
Bronze: Jose Giron, Liberty High School
Social Science
Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School
Silver: Nelson Reitz, Glacier High School
Bronze: Josselyn Chavez, Madera South High School
Gold: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Silver: Sydney Lindsay, Liberty High School
Bronze: Nerick Gomez Hernandez, Chowchilla Union High School
Gold: Levi Rumohr, Glacier High School
Silver: Marco Pena, Liberty High School
Silver: Omar Zarate, Liberty High School
Bronze: Morgyn Lindsay, Liberty High School
Gold: Yehna Song, Chowchilla Union High School
Silver: Angelina Alvarez, Chowchilla Union High School
Bronze: Noah Mellon, Glacier High School
Gold: Tyler Edwards, Liberty High School
Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School
Bronze: Sydney Lindsay, Liberty High School
Gold: Levi Rumohr, Glacier High School
Silver: Brian Ordaz, Matilda Torres High School
Bronze: Jesus Ortiz-Ramos, Madera South High School