OAKHURST – The community is invited to join Honorary Mayor Candidates Katie Davis and Bob Macaulay as they team up for a day of fun and games for the whole family on Sunday, June 14, from 3 – 8 p.m. at the Sierra Senior Center.
Katie Davis is running for Honorary Mayor of Oakhurst on behalf of Sierra Senior Center, while Bob Macaulay is running for the Oakhurst Boys & Girls Club (BGC).
The night of exciting bingo action is a fundraiser with proceeds split right down the middle between the Sierra Senior Society and the BGC. Every dollar raised counts as a vote toward the title.
The cost for this evening of games, raffles, and prizes is $25 per adult and $5 for kids under 18, including dinner, dessert and bingo cards. For more information contact Katie at (559) 683-3811 or Bob at (559) 683-4494.
The Senior Center is located at 49111 Cinder Lane in Oakhurst, behind the Community Center.