Home » Coarsegold » Cal Fire Plans Prescribed Burns At Night On Highway 41
Crews do prep work along Highway 41 ahead of prescribed burn - photo Cal Fire

Cal Fire Plans Prescribed Burns At Night On Highway 41

COARSEGOLD — Cal Fire, in cooperation with Caltrans, Pacific Southwest Research Station/Fresno State University, California Highway Patrol, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and private landowners, aim to fulfill Governor Newsom’s Community Wildfire Prevention and Mitigation Report (Executive Order N-05-19), issued on Jan. 9.

This report delivered recommendations to reduce public safety hazards associated with catastrophic wildfire and specifically prioritized 35 projects that will protect 200 of California’s most wildfire-vulnerable communities.

The prescribed burn will encompass the east side of Highway 41 from the Friant-Kern Canal at mile marker 6.95 to Road 200 at mile marker 17.91 in O’Neals, creating a large fuel break while reducing highway hazards and high fire suppression costs. This project will help reduce the fire threat to unincorporated communities around Coarsegold, O’Neals and Hidden Lakes, which are isolated residential areas located along the Highway 41 corridor.

Heavy fuel reduction activities within the project area are almost complete. Crews will chip brush piles created from pruning and brush removal along private landowners’ fuel breaks. Chipping will continue after the prescribed burn and will not impact Highway 41 traffic.

Prescribed fire is planned for the week of June 10 if current weather conditions remain stable and resources are available.

  • June 11 — Road 200 South / Rocky Cut (m.m. 17.91 – m.m. 14.035) from 7 p.m. to midnight. Traffic on Highway 41 could be impacted due to fire activity on cut banks and narrow shoulders or if smoke limits visibility.
  • June 12 — Highway 145 / end of the new 4 lanes on Highway 41 (m.m. 9.25– m.m. 14.035) 7 p.m. to midnight. No impact to traffic is anticipated.
  • June 13 — Hwy 145 / Friant-Kern Canal (m.m. 6.95 – m.m. 9.25) 7 p.m. to midnight. Little to no impact on traffic is anticipated.

Fire crews will monitor the fire throughout the night as heavier fuels continue to burn. Crews and equipment will be present throughout the project area, so please use caution when driving and do not report fire activity in the project area.

For more information visit Fire.ca.gov

Cal Fire Crews Prepare For Prescribed Burn Along Highway 41

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