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Yosemite Fires Red And Rodgers Updates

YOSEMITE–The Rodgers Fire and The Red Fire are naturally caused lightning fires in the wilderness of Yosemite National Park with no threat to structures or critical infrastructure.

The burn pattern on both fires can be described as mosaic, meaning patches of fire spread across the landscape. The fire is cleaning up dead and downed fuels on the ground to make room for new healthy growth. Fires that burn in a low to moderate intensity allow for new plant growth, healthier soils, and increased water availability, leading to an all-around healthier forest.

Currently The Red Fire is 1,045 acres and The Rodger Fire is 700 acres.

Yosemite Fire managers and crews are utilizing Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques (MIST) to confine and contain the Red and Rodgers fires-employing a combination of natural barriers (large areas of granite, trains, and creeks) and short sections of handlines to tie the barriers together.

Firefighter patrols line while low to moderate intensity Rodgers Fire burns.

Both fires are burning in areas with little to no fire history. These fires are clearing the forest of heavy fuel loads brought on by decades of fire suppression, long-term drought, and climate change – reducing the potential of future large catastrophic fires.

A segment f trail between Pate Valley and the Pacific Crest Trail is temporarily closed due to The Rodgers Fire.

For more information and the latest smoke outlook:

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