OAKHURST – Oct. 22, 20202 – For current and upcoming local events, please visit our website here: Visit Yosemite Madera County
10.22.20 Daily Conditions Report CALIFORNIA ROAD CONDITIONS 10.22.20 Weather Report10.22.20
Trail Crew Blasting Today
Trail Crew’s are planning to blast along Aspen Valley Road on Thursday, October 22. This area will have intermittent closures throughout the day. Contact Greg Torres at 742-8811 or or email Greg_Torres@nps.gov for more information.
PG&E Outage Wawona October 29
PG&E will be dropping power lines for tree removal from Chinquapin to the South Entrance, including all of Wawona district. The outage will take place on Thursday, October 29, from 0800 to 1600. For more information contact Heather Gonzales, PG&E Outage Coordinator, at 726-5588.
Yosemite Valley Trick-or-Treating Safety Plan
Halloween is less than two weeks away, and Yosemite Valley kiddos will be trick-or-treating. Your help is needed to make it a safe one! YoParents are asking the community to adhere to the following guidelines this year:
- If you’d like to pass out treats to the kids, please leave your porch light on or Halloween lights/decorations on so they know you’re safely prepared and ready for them.
- If you do choose to pass out treats, please find a way to do it from 6 feet away–there are some clever methods on the internet using PVC pipe! You could also use a (clean) trash picker-upper.
- If you cannot find a way to distribute treats from 6 feet away, please wear a face covering over your mouth and nose.
- Do not allow the kids to grab their own treat out of a container.
- Please limit the number of people distributing the treats from your container to one person if possible.
- Please only keep the kids at the door for a minute or two to limit interaction.
Thank you so much for helping allow these kiddos to safely continue a fun childhood tradition.
Creek Fire Updates: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7147/
Bullfrog Fire Updates: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7191/
Sierra National Forest Updates: https://www.fs.usda.gov/sierra/