Guest Article by Dr. Starnes at Oakhurst Family Chiropractic
Christmas is first about remembering our Lord, Jesus Christ. It also has special meaning about giving. My kid’s are all grown up now. They are 3 amazing young men which have made me very proud. Another joy at Christmas: are the young faces Christmas morning, their joy & glow.
These past 2 years have been extremely difficult for all!
Unfortunately, there are still thousands of children who do not get to experience that joy – which brings us an unique opportunity to put a SMILE on their faces.
In Dec. 1991, I started participating in this special program. I started collecting toys for the local Marine Corp Reserve’s Toys For Tots program.
We will gladly accept any donations from Nov. 15th through Dec. 18th. Afterwards the toys are collected and distributed here locally in our mountain community.
We ask for new unwrapped toys, of at least a $15 value.
Oakhurst Family Chiropractic will host a very special reception on Saturday, Dec. 18th from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Stop in for refreshments!
NEW PATIENTS are invited to bring in at least two (2) new toys ($15 value each), in exchange for all first day office procedures, to include the office evaluation, orthopedic exam, neurological exam, and if indicated, first day treatment.
Previously ESTABLISHED patients of mine will be seen for a single toy ($15 value).
OAKHURST FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC is located at 49346 Rd. 426 Ste. 3. You may also call 559-642-BACK (2225)
Best Wishes to all for a Blessed Holiday!
Dr. Starnes & Veronika
Click here for an article about last year’s Toys For Tots!