Home » Ahwahnee » The EMCSPCA Animal Care & Adoption Center has Great News!
Image of two dogs running towards the camera.
The EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center, the programs they provide to the community, and the care they give the animals would not be possible without you! Read on to find out how you can help!

The EMCSPCA Animal Care & Adoption Center has Great News!

AHWAHNEE — In the first six months of operation, the EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center has placed 90% of relinquished cats and 81% of relinquished dogs in their new forever homes! The national shelter placement average is sadly only 29% for cats and 44% for dogs.

Image of two dogs outside on a lawn.They have their wonderful volunteers and staff to thank for their success. Every animal relinquished to them receives an intake exam along with appropriate meds, vaccines, and spay/neuter surgeries when needed. Volunteers work tirelessly to make the pets time with them as healthy and stress-free as possible! They focus on providing a relaxed, peaceful environment for their guests….feline, canine, and human.

Here’s how you can help!

They need your continuing support to help them reach their goal of 100% adoptions. As you know, they are a no-kill facility and it is critical that they reduce the length of stay for their dogs and cats. Although they have very high adoption numbers, they still have a few dogs and cats that have been with them longer than they would like. If you or a friend or family member have room in your heart and home, they are only a phone call away at 559-404-0925.

Watch for their adoption event on July 15th!

Image of a mother cat with her kitten. Because they provide the best possible care for their animals, the financial cost of their time with them far exceeds their adoption fees. As a non-profit organization with no government funding or affiliation, community support is critical! Your donation will provide food and care for their guests! It will help them increase their adoption rates, reduce length of stay, and help them help more needy pets!

Volunteer, Adopt, Donate!
  • Volunteer at the EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center in Ahwahnee!
  • Volunteer as a Foster Pet Parent!
  • Volunteer to help with their Youth Programs!
  • Volunteer at the EMCSPCA Thrift Shop in Oakhurst. Please call 559-641-2500 for more info.

Volunteer Intro Meeting July 15th, 10:00 a.m.

Thank you!

Click here to donate online!

You can also mail a donation to EMCSPCA, P.O. Box 1314, Oakhurst, CA 93644.

Image of two black and white kittens.

Image of the EMCSPCA logo.EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center
43180 Highway 49
Ahwahnee, CA 93601

Image of the EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center.

EMCSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Check out this great video on prepping for a rescue dog! 

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