HIGH SIERRAS — The Sierra National Forest (SNF) will be holding a public meeting regarding Special Use Permits (SUP.) The intent of this meeting is to reach out to any person(s) or entities that organize and/or hold recreational events in the SNF.
The primary focus of this meeting will be on the permitting of recreation-driven events. This includes events or activities such as filming, poker runs, guided trips, and other organized events with recreation in mind.
Nonprofit, organized events are also required to apply for permits. Any organized recreational event in a national forest requires a SUP. The permit process begins with a proposal, followed by a determination on whether the proposed event is considered appropriate.
This public meeting will be held at forest headquarters on Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The headquarters are located at 1600 Tollhouse Road in Clovis.
Members of the public are encouraged to bring their own proposals to the meeting. There will be specialists on hand to answer any questions, as well as assist with the application process.
For more information, please contact Kevin Woods, High Sierra Ranger District OHV, at 559-855-5355, ext. 3302, or via email at kevin.woods@usda.gov.