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Audrey Ogilvie
Audrey Ogilvie

Mariposa County High School FFA and ASB Plan Barbecue Fundraiser for Injured Student

MARIPOSA — Mariposa County High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Associated Student Body (ASB) have planned a fundraiser to support Audrey Ogilvie, who injured her spine in a fluke incident and required emergency surgery.

The barbecue is set for Saturday, Dec. 14.

Ogilvie was a member of the MCHS Future Farmers of America and graduated last June as valedictorian. She had just begun her freshman year at CalPoly San Luis Obispo when the accident occurred.

A flyer released by FFA Advisor Buz Arnold detailed the incident. “Audrey Ogilvie is a vibrant and intelligent young woman. Unfortunately, Audrey had a fluke accident where she jumped down off of a four foot wall, and landed on a concrete slab. What should have been a reasonable action for a healthy, active, young woman ended up damaging her back immensely. The jolt of the landing crushed a vertebra in her spine. Audrey had to have emergency spinal surgery, and is currently recovering in the hospital.”

Arnold said the cost of Audrey’s surgery alone is well over $21,000 and, unfortunately, her medical insurance is not going to even come close to covering the cost of her medical expenses.

“All amounts donated will go directly to Audrey’s medical expenses,” Arnold said.

The fundraiser on Dec. 14 will fall in the middle of a typically very busy holiday Saturday in downtown Mariposa. The traditional Merry Mountain Christmas Parade is held in the evening, followed by the annual Community Christmas Tree Lighting at the Mariposa County Courthouse, conducted by the Mariposa Lions Club.

“We are hoping residents will be able to participate in the events and then come to our ‘drive-thru barbecue’ event,” Arnold added.

The fundraiser will be held from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. Participants can pick-up their full tri-tip barbecue meal in the front parking lot at Mariposa County High School.

The meal consists of a whole barbecued tri-tip, large bag of salad, one quart of chili, four dinner rolls, plus napkins, plates and utensils, all for $40. The meal easily feeds four people.

Pre-orders are being accepted through Dec. 8.

Those wishing to support Ogilvie can contact Arnold at barnold@mcusd.org, or Advisor Michelle Wise at mwise@mcusd.org, or by placing their order online at mariposasupports.weebly.com.


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