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Image of Madera County Board of Supervisors
Madera County Board of Supervisors. Photo Courtesy of MaderaCounty.com

Madera County Officials to Celebrate Midtown Connector Road

MADERA COUNTY — Madera County officials, community to celebrate opening of the Oakhurst Midtown Connector – River Parkway Road.

WHAT: Madera County Board of Supervisors, and community members will celebrate the opening of Madera County’s Oakhurst Midtown Connector Road – aka River Parkway Road.

WHEN: Friday, Feb. 18, 2022, 10 a.m.

WHERE: Midtown Connector Oakhurst, CA.

WHY: The completion of the Oakhurst Midtown Connector project opens a second access route to Indian Springs and School Road. The project allows for improved circulation and emergency access to this corridor. Along with the new road and bridge infrastructure; traffic signals, sidewalks, and bike lanes were included to enhance the traffic flow and allow for current and future alternative transportation modes (walking & biking) to parks, schools, historic landmarks and trails in the region. The project was funded by Local Measure T and State SB-1 fuel tax dollars.

Supervisor Tom Wheeler stated, “We have worked many years to get this finally done and now we have emergency escape routes for our residents. The project will enhance the Oakhurst Community, allow for better traffic flow and safety, and highlight the walkability in the area.”

Image of the event's location on a map.

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