Home » Ahwahnee » HOW Oakhurst Thanks Hitchin’ Post Owner
Pictured left to right: Sue Higgins, Kim Morris, Sharlene Williams, Kristine Olle, Nancy Fikkert, Jennifer Snyder. Photo courtesy of Tom Wheeler

HOW Oakhurst Thanks Hitchin’ Post Owner

AHWAHNEEHelping One Woman (HOW) Oakhurst thanks longtime supporter, Sharlene Williams, former owner of the Hitchin’ Post in Ahwahnee.

Owner of the post for almost 19 years, Shar has been unwavering when it comes to HOW Oakhurst. Shar was a former recipient and sponsored other recipients herself. HOW Oakhurst has held countless dinners at the Hitchin’ Post over the years. Shar could always be found working her magic behind the scenes at each dinner.

Helping One Woman is a national organization founded in 2008. Each month a woman in our community who has suffered an irreplaceable loss is honored. Attendees purchase their own meal and provide a $10.00 or greater cash gift at each month’s dinner. This monetary gift our participants offer to each recipient is a wonderful supplement to help them during their time of loss; however, the overwhelming emotional and heartfelt support that we give our recipients is the energy behind the Helping One Woman Organization.

The HOW Team presented Shar with flowers and hugs on her final evening of owning the Hitchin’ Post, Wednesday, October 18th.

“We are so grateful for Shar’s care and support for HOW throughout the years. She has gone above and beyond, we couldn’t have done it without her. She will be greatly missed.” said HOW Oakhurst Chapter Co-Leader, Nancy Fikkert.

Pictured left to right: Sue Higgins, Kim Morris, Sharlene Williams, Kristine Olle, Nancy Fikkert, Jennifer Snyder. Photo courtesy of Tom Wheeler

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