Home » Blogs » History Mystery #120: North Fork Festival & Loggers Jamboree
Image of a group of men in a chainsaw contest.
Do you recognize any of these sawyers? Or do you happen to know what year the North Fork Festival had its name changed to the Loggers Jamboree? Let us know!

History Mystery #120: North Fork Festival & Loggers Jamboree

Prepared by Michael Owlyler.

It wasn’t always called the Loggers Jamboree. In 1960, the “North Fork Festival” was organized to raise funds for the North Fork Boosters Club. Back then, the organization of the Festival included activities that tied to logging, at that time a mainstay of the community.

Image of the North Fork Boosters logo.Included in the activities of the North Fork Festival was a chainsaw competition. Though their images are a bit smudged from the aging of the film, this photograph is of the men who entered the competition in the 1960 Festival. You might recognize some of these men and can identify them so we can share their legacy with the community and enhance the history of the Loggers Jamboree.

From left to right, who are these sawyers? What are their full names? In what year did the name of the North Fork Festival change to the Loggers Jamboree? This photograph is from the Shirley Schlichting collection retained by the North Fork History Group, and by helping identify anyone in the photo you’ll help enhance the history of our community.

Image of a group of men in a chainsaw contest.

Today the local event continues the history of 62 years with contests of skill & strength, and support for the community of North Fork. Come see the competitors of today throw axes and run their chainsaws at the 2023 North Fork Jamboree on July 1st and 2nd.

The North Fork Boosters is a non-profit 501c (3) whose purpose is “promoting charitable and educational prosperity in North Fork” and, among many other activities, provides lunches for youth in their summer program. The North Fork History Group (northforkhistorygroup@gmail.com) is a non-profit 501c (3) that, “…gathers, preserves, and shares the history of a community.”

Follow-Up to History Mystery #199: Antique Metal Object

Thanks to all who commented on HM #119. All of the below were posted on SNO Facebook page:

Diana Polly:  A component of a sling shot for flinging ground squirrels over the fence. Lol.

Margaret McQuone-Frech:  This from my sister-in-law. Hmm. With the burner, crucible and long arm it could be parts to a casting centrifuge. If for Lost Wax casting method, the gas part would be used for burn out to make the mold. The crucible to heat the metal, such as silver. I looked online and didn’t see anything similar, but it seems a possibility. There would be a large drum it all fits into, and counterweights, spinner, other parts. Ed doesn’t recognize it as forge equipment, but another possibility. There is an old foundry in Sutter Creek that is starting up as a historical site, might run it by them. https://knightfoundry.com.

Hilary Bowman Casner:  Would the portion on the right have held a flame? Higher res photos of more than one angle might help. Love the History Mysteries!

Mac Shaughnessy:  Portable cooker can’t remember the name but white gas or kerosene went in the left, the lever is a flint striker, took a minute to get it going. Usually you had to prime the burner side to get it going. It’s been 45 years since I seen one, but it worked.

Image of an antique mystery object.

It’s either part of a casting centrifuge, a portable cooker, or just an old-timey squirrel flinger. What do you think?


  1. Comments from SNO Facebook page:

    Felicia Marie Johnson-Graham
    This is my Papa, Virgil Russel Graham-Tree Logger;
    Last Full Blooded Picayune Chukchansi.
    May be an image of 2 people
    (Photos will not copy here)

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    May be an image of 4 people and text

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    May be an image of 9 people, lumberyard and text that says ‘i’

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    May be an image of 2 people and text

    Ysleta Kay Uzzell-Smith
    I never knew it by any other name than “The Loggers Jamboree.” First time I remember going was 1960.

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    May be an image of 3 people and text

    Kathy Hilton
    the guy on the end with the hat looks like Herb Punkin, next to him looks like Scotty McSwain. I’m probably wrong, but i agree with Judy, Tommy probably knows most of them.

    Jo Ann Wisseman Clark
    Kathy Hilton yes, does look like it.

    Rick Priest
    Kathy Hilton yes! Scotty McSwain- my 5th grade teacher!

    Jeannie Garza
    I could be wrong, but back in 1976 it was called the north fork, loggers jamboree, that’s the only thing I’ve ever known it by

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    May be an image of 2 people, phone and text

    Judy Johnson
    Tom Wheeler would be the man to ask on this!

    Top fan
    Rose Davis Cobb
    Click on them and expand.

    Top fan
    Tom Wheeler
    Rose Davis Cobb
    I did that and then your breakdown was better also sis💕👍🤠

    Vincent De Anda
    Rose Davis Cobb I remember Alvin coming into the Red Barn in Shaver , that one on the far left doesn’t look like him the one with the hat looks more like the Alvin I remember

    I was told that Tom Wheeler named all 9 of the contestants, however I have not seen that list yet.

    • I found the comment from Tom Wheeler:
      Tom Wheeler
      Far left is Alvin McDonald , ?, ?, Dyk Fink , Bud Fink, maybe Donnie Fink, Herb Punkin maybe, Virgil Graham, then last is, I believe, Gib Hunter

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