FRESNO – Can you recognize this scene? In this oversized chalk drawing, Richard Amend has sketched a busy gallery in the Louvre in Paris, France. It illustrates a contemporary woman standing in front of the painting, The Coronation of Napoleon (1807) by Jacques-Louis David.
Richard Amend has range and accomplishments within multiple genres of art and design. He has exhibited widely throughout California and abroad. In this exhibition, A Family Dynamic, Richard’s compelling black and white oversized drawings are featured among studio glass from his wife Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend and ceramic work from his son Wyatt Amend.
To view the exhibition A Family Dynamic and to explore the Fresno Art Museum remotely, click on the link. Fresno Art Museum
Along with being an artist, Richard Amend has been a production designer in the film industry. His career has spanned several decades and allowed him to travel widely, photographing sites for various cinematic projects. His paintings and drawings developed from many of these photographs, producing arresting and mysterious panoramic views of life.
Courtesy of the Fresno Art Museum.