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California Highway Patrol Goes on Tactical Alert

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California Highway Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Amanda Ray today issued the following statement announcing the CHP would go on tactical alert ahead of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration: 

 “For many months, the CHP has worked closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to ensure the outcome of the election will be respected and that any protests which may occur are free from violence. The CHP maintains strong relationships with our security and intelligence partners around the country and is continually evaluating possible emerging threats to the state. As such, the CHP is prepared to respond to any potential threats which may arise statewide. 

 “The protection of California highways and state buildings, including the Capitol, are the primary responsibility and jurisdiction of the CHP.

 “Due to the potential for civil unrest related to the 2021 Presidential Inauguration, I have placed uniformed CHP personnel on tactical alert for an indefinite period. This allows for the maximization of resources to protect public safety as well as state buildings and infrastructure. The CHP will continue to monitor the situation and plan our resources accordingly.

 “For security and safety reasons, the CHP cannot comment further on specific matters involving the tactical alert, local preparedness plans, or personnel deployment.”

 The mission of the CHP is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security.

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