OAKHURST – Bobby Macaulay is excited to announce he has received approval from the State of California to explore a run for Madera County District Five County Supervisor, the seat currently held by Tom Wheeler. He has put together a team of local leaders to advise and help him make that decision. Supervisor Wheeler has said this will be his last term in office and he has asked Bobby to consider running for the position.
Bobby, 34, was born and raised in Madera County. He graduated from Yosemite High School in 2004 and received degrees in Business and Economics from CSU Channel Islands.
He is a proud member of Rotary, a longtime board member of the Boys & Girls Club of Oakhurst, the former Chairman of the Maintenance District 22 Citizen’s Advisory Committee, a former Board President of the Oakhurst Community Center, and a former board member of the Oakhurst Chamber Foundation.
Many know him for his years working at Macaulay Insurance in Oakhurst. “Helping grow the family business with my parents was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life” noted Macaulay.
Since October, 2019, he has served as District 5 Chief of Staff, specifically assigned to help Supervisor Wheeler. His experience at the County has helped him become intimately familiar with the issues facing Madera County residents.
When asked why he wanted to be Supervisor, Bobby said, “I feel it is important to bring a fresh, new perspective to today’s challenges. For the past 14 years Tom Wheeler has done a remarkable job as Madera County Supervisor for the mountain and foothill communities; however, it’s time for a new approach to the district’s problems. I am confident in my ability to find innovative solutions to the District’s problems. I will work to protect the ideas and qualities of our mountain community, while making Madera County government a better servant for the people. I enjoy the work and I am committed to serving our community.”
“I have filed the paperwork to be able to officially discuss running for Supervisor with the community. If enough people encourage me, I will run in 2022. I know what to do to make Madera County government more accessible, I know how to make it work more efficiently and fairly, and I will be happy to do it. But first I have to be elected and that I cannot do alone. If I have the support of the community, I am confident we will get the job done.”
Bobby has started a website, SupervisorBobbyMacaulay.com, where you can find more information about him and his experience working with nonprofits and local government. You are able to send him questions and suggestions, tell him what issues you feel are facing the County or concern you directly, or offer your assistance to help him win the election.
Bobby said “I would very much appreciate the honor of continuing to serve the citizens of District Five in the capacity of Supervisor and would humbly accept the responsibility that goes with that job. I am grateful for the opportunity to use my energy and experience to bring Madera County into the future and make it more responsive to the needs of our residents.”