Home » Ahwahnee » August HOW Dinner Honors Michaela Engelman

August HOW Dinner Honors Michaela Engelman

Michaela, Jodie and Kourtney

AHWAHNEE — Join friends and neighbors at the Hitching Post on Wednesday, Aug. 21 as the nonprofit group Helping One Woman (HOW) honors Michaela Engelman.

The event begins at 6 p.m. and you’ll be greeted at the door for sign-in. Your reservation will secure a seat for your meal and tables will be shared as the community gathers to support this local woman in her time of need.

Michaela was raised here in the mountain community and is married to Jodie Grider. Together, they have a young daughter named Kourtney.

2019 started off on a positive note, say organizers at HOW. The couple purchased a new home and received an increase in pay at work. The, things changed when daughter Kourtney was diagnosed with autism.

“Michaela subsequently lost her grandfather, then her aunt just a few short weeks later,” according to HOW. “And, if that wasn’t enough, they received word in May that husband Jodie was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), also known as brain cancer.”

GBM is fast growing, invasive, and may be devastating, HOW notes, adding that Jodie just finished six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.

“With a prognosis of three to twelve months, both Michaela and Jodie are fighting. A brain scan is scheduled shortly.”

Michaela is a former employee of Eagle Quick Lube but, due to multiple doctor appointments and treatments, both parents are currently unemployed.

“Now, more than ever, this young family needs your support. Please join us in August to share your love.”

The community is invited to join together at the Hitching Post to show Michaela an abundance of love and support in her time of need. Please RSVP to Tokens at (559) 658-5428 with the number in your party, or if you have any contributions or questions.

HOW meets monthly to celebrate one deserving woman who receives the community’s support when she needs it the most. Those participating in the HOW benefit will offer $10 or more as a suggested donation for Shay and pay for their own dinner as usual. Proceeds from the August event go directly to Michaela at the end of the evening.

Recipients of HOW are always a woman who is going through a time of irreplaceable loss or who has been through a period of loss within the last 12 months. Irreplaceable loss is defined as a catastrophic loss which cannot be recovered.

HOW says that “one woman with $10 can buy another woman lunch. Ten women giving $10 can buy another woman’s groceries. One hundred women giving $10 can really make a difference in another woman’s life.”

If you know a woman who is going through a time of irreplaceable loss, come to the August HOW meeting and nominate her to be the next recipient. Recipients are chosen in a public drawing.

“Remember that by helping one woman, we help one family and one community.”

Helping One Woman Oakhurst on Facebook

Contact howoakhurstchapter@gmail.com

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