Home » Coarsegold » 4-H Report: Heritage Days at Fresno Flats

4-H Report: Heritage Days at Fresno Flats

by Jake O’Neill, Club Reporter:

My name is Jake O’Neill and I am this year’s Coarsegold 4-H reporter. Coarsegold 4-H was at Heritage Days. We collected donations for our club and we also brought a rabbit named Ms. Pepper, and a goat. Both of the animals were on demonstration for the community to handle or pet.

We handed out flyers to encourage more kids to join Coarsegold 4-H. Pat Sturling is training Kiki King to become one of our club leaders.

I interviewed Xavier Gonzalez on what he is doing this year in 4-H and he replied with poultry, trap shooting, archery and bio security.

Madera County 4-H Youth Program is a nonprofit organization for youth who are 9 years old or who have completed the 3rd grade and up to 19 years of age. All youth and adults in Madera County are invited to participate in the 4-H program regardless of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, mental or physical handicap.

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