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Squirrel Cage Theatre Presents Fall Follies

NORTH FORK – The scene is the Blueberry Ranch in the high Sierra. Our villain tricks the wayward husband out of the deed to the ranch and turns it into a casino, forcing the lovely Lilac to sing to keep Aunt and Uncle Blueberry out of the poor house.

Will a clever plan win back the ranch? All will be revealed during Squirrel Cage Theatre’s presentation of “The Chips Are Down,” over two weekends in November.

The annual Fall Follies is Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7 and 8, and Nov. 14 and 15 at the North Fork Town Hall.

This year Squirrel Cage Theatre Co. celebrates 40 years of entertaining the mountain area, supporting the fine arts program at the North Fork School, and providing scholarships for North Fork students who are going on to careers in music and the arts. This year’s show features long-time SCT performers, plus a talented crop of newcomers.

The Chips Are Down 5“The Chips Are Down” stars David Novell as the dastardly villain Dirty Dan. Lilac Valentine is the sweet-as-springtime heroine, played by Veronica Spaulding, and Jeff Gurule is Stainless Steel, the stalwart, handsome and brave hero who saves the day (and hopefully the ranch).

Martha Blueberry, an upright temperance woman played by Gail Sims, does her best to put up with husband Ben Blueberry, played by Al Flory, who is addicted to gambling and strong drink.

Barbara Thormann delivers the salty role of Bertha Finch, a temperance woman with a teenage daughter, Prudence, played by Brianna Roland.

“The Old Geezers,” David Novell, Al Flory and Jim Bradley, are up to their usual shenanigans, and young Squirrel Cagers Brianna Roland, Elva Gurule, Kate Hough, Mason Hough, Ryan Hough, Emma Prescott and Savannah Prescott show their acting chops in the skit “Camp North Fork.”

The Chips Are Down 2Local favorite “Sugar Pine” will also be performing with a special guest to celebrate SCT’s 40th Anniversary.

Dinner is served at 6 p.m., and the curtain goes up at 7. Cost is $12 for adults, $6 for kids under 12, and $30 for the immediate family. The Boosters will host the bar, and desserts will be available for purchase.

Tickets are available at the door.

Reservations can be made for groups of 10 or more people only. For more information, call Sue & David Novell at 877-2129.

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