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Image of a homeless person with their dog.
Finally, some good news for homeless and disabled residents of Mariposa County dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mariposa County HHS Awarded State Funding for Project Homekey Program

MARIPOSAMariposa County Health and Human Services has been awarded state funding as part of the Project Homekey program. This is an opportunity to keep residents safe and slow the spread of COVID-19.

Mariposa County Health and Human Services will be bringing Project Homekey in front of the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Oct. 27.

Project Homekey is a way for Mariposa County to protect at-risk populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will focus on serving residents aged 65 years and older and those under 65 who have disabilities. These are high-risk populations when it comes to COVID-19. Older adults and those under 65 with disabilities currently make up 42.1% of the population. Project Homekey will help continue to shelter, quarantine, and isolate those in need of a safe place during this pandemic.

Mariposa County Health and Human Services has been granted $4.1 million dollars for this project. These funds are from the state and not the general fund in Mariposa County. The funding received is enough to cover the purchase of a location, costs for updating the facility to meet ADA compliance, and operational costs. The projected loss of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) if a hotel is used will be offset by the savings in operational costs.

Project Homekey provides exceptional benefits for Mariposa County and the community. Traditionally, rural communities have not received financial support for similar situations. With the grant funding received, the county can provide individuals with a safe place to stay during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will help to prevent transmission of the virus, keeping the community healthy, safe, and open. Once the COVID-based need is over, the property will play into the overall goal of providing more affordable housing within Mariposa County as decided by the Board of Supervisors.

Mariposa County Health and Human Services is proud to be one of the rural communities to benefit from this grant as it allows them to better serve those at risk in our community. The health and safety of Mariposa County is a top priority.

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