Home » Community » Madera County Does Not Meet Red Criteria for Two Weeks in a Row

Madera County Does Not Meet Red Criteria for Two Weeks in a Row

MADERA – Oct. 27, 2020 – Based on the data released on October 27, 2020, Madera County did not sustain low enough numbers to move permanently to the Red Tier therefor we will remain in the PURPLE TIER. For Madera County to move from purple to red, it must meet the red criteria for 2 weeks in a row.

Keep in mind that “Tier Tuesday” data is 7 days of data from Sunday through Saturday with a one-week lag. This week’s data spans Sunday, October 11 through Saturday, October 17.

The most challenging reason for not meeting the criteria for the red tier is the County case rate. Both the case rate and adjusted case rate fall above the cutoff for the red tier. Case investigation shows the recent increase in our case rate is largely due to person-to-person spread within large households and at informal gatherings.

What we all need to do to help!

  • Get tested every 4-6 weeks if working outside your home or going out, especially if gathering socially.
  • Stop gathering socially. It is best to participate in one stable social cohort of no more than 3 households. Other allowable gatherings need to follow the guidance – outside, masked, distanced.

Madera County will have a Facebook Live event this evening at 5:30 pm to answer questions related to the tiers and current status. Please tune in to learn more from Sara Bosse and Dr. Paul. Questions will be taken live or you may submit your questions through FB messenger or to public.health@maderacounty.com by 4 pm today.

Submit your questions on all things COVID, the Tiers and reopening by emailing: public.health@maderacounty.com.

For more information, visit: https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/


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