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Hwy 41 Construction: CHP Outlines Three-Way Stop Etiquette

OAKHURST — With the construction project tied to replacing Oakhurst’s main sewer line underway — and the intersection of Highways 41 and 49 currently operating as a three-way stop — the Oakhurst California Highway Patrol office reports that the agency has been fielding a lot of questions lately regarding “who has the right of way at a three-way stop?”

So this week, agency officials released what they called a “quick refresher” describing driver etiquette at three-way stop signs.

“The easiest thing to remember is that whichever vehicle comes to a complete stop first has the right of way. This is why coming to a complete stop at the limit line is so important. If two vehicles come to a complete stop simultaneously, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.”

CHP also detailed etiquette for what officials described as “a more complicated” scenario:

“If a vehicle facing you wishes to turn in front of you and both of your vehicles came to a complete stop at the same time, who has the right of way? You do!”

“The opposing vehicle should yield the right of way to you until you complete your path through the intersection, based on the fact that you intend to stay in your current roadway. This is why use of a turn signal at intersections is important.”

“The best practice is to remember these rules of the road and maintain vigilance at each intersection,” the CHP advisory concluded. “Make eye contact with the drivers at each intersection. If there is any confusion, attempt to communicate politely and effectively. Every stop, every time. Let’s all get home safe.”

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