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Creek Fire Eclipses 302,000 Acres

MADERA COUNTY – Sept. 27, 2020 – The Creek Fire has now burned  302,870 acres with a 39% containment and full containment not expected until late in October.

Weather conditions are changing with a high-pressure system moving across the area. Temperatures are also expected to climb starting today and into next week and return day-time high temperatures to the 90’s. Expect smoke conditions to increase along the Highway 41 Corridor.

Crews working in the Central Camp and Whiskey Falls area have finished the firing operations and they are now in patrol and monitor status. The military support there was a great success. The hazards that remain in the area are the dead trees that are falling. Crews will remain in those areas and Cascadel Woods to strengthen containment.

Areas of active fire are east of Chiquito Creek and the 5S04 road and east of Beasore Meadow and south to Central Camp Road.

FRESNO COUNTY – Overnight fire activity in the South Zone of the Creek Fire did not significantly increase. Areas of the fire experiencing the most activity was south of Mount Tom and the most eastern portion of the South Zone east of China Peak.

There may be movement in alignment with the change in weather and terrain driven winds towards the Ansel Adams Wilderness.

Firing operations may take place on the northeastern portions of the South Zone in the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River. If this occurs it will be within control lines and anyone in the area may see smoke rising from the fire. In general, the fire will smolder within the existing perimeter in heavier fuels such as timber and dense fuel beds in the southern portions of the fire near Burrough Mountain and Sycamore

Operationally, fire resources will perform tactical patrol near the fire perimeter mopping up hot spots and ensuring structures are prepared for defense in the event the fire approaches communities. Containment remains a priority, and handcrews will be deployed in areas where heavy equipment (i.e. bulldozers) cannot be utilized due to challenging terrain.

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