MARIPOSA COUNTY — With most of the suppression activity and line construction concentrated on the northeast corner of the Detwiler Fire, Cal Fire reports the fire is now estimated at 80,250 acres, still with 65 percent containment.
The section of uncompleted line lies between Coulterville and Briceburg. That area is still being affected by evacuations and road closures.
There are currently 4,467 personnel assigned to the incident including 343 engines, 61 water tenders, 114 hand crews, 51 dozers, 19 helicopters and air tankers as available.
A Local Assistance Center will be held today at the Mariposa High School Gymnasium from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for anyone affected by the Detwiler Fire. The high school is located at 5074 Old Highway N. For details of the services offered, click here.
A Local Assistance Center will be scheduled within the week for North County once evacuation status, road closures and fire status permits.
For a detailed list of all the evacuations and road closures, click here.
For all the stories on the Detwiler Fire, click here.
The cause of the fire is under investigation.
For detailed maps of the entire fire area, click here.