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The History Mystery #30

Submitted by Karen Morris, Coarsegold Historical Society/Museum –

The picture of these two little women is painted on paper with a fabric backing. It was donated to the Coarsegold Historical Society and now hangs in the Adobe building on the museum grounds. Do you recognize who these two young girls are? We are asking for help in identifying the girls in the picture and who their families might be.

Leave us your thoughts to help us solve this History Mystery, or contact Karen Morris, Coarsegold Historical Society/Museum, at coarsegoldhistoricmuseum.org or call 559-642-4448 with any information. Thanks!

History Mystery #30

Follow-up To History Mystery #29
There were some interesting comments and information regarding the China Wells and Burford sites of History Mystery #29. See below.

Tuesday, 09 June 2015 13:41 posted by Marie Mogge
China Wells is not on private land, but is located on the Sierra National Forest. Forest records indicate that this location was used by Chinese workers from the Madera Sugar Pine railroad, although there is some doubt to this story. It may have been a watering stop on the early Fresno Flats to Yosemite Road. Little remains of the well structure.

The Burford site is on private land, and was the homestead of an early Forest Service ranger, William Burford. The Burford Ranger Station operated out of this location, and probably served as both a residence as well as a Ranger Station as was often the case in the early 1900s. There are two photos of the Burford Ranger Station in the Sierra National Forest Historic Photograph Collection.

John Herr wrote on June 2, 2015:
Burford was a Ranger station then homesteaded. China Wells was an old community, In the 60’s you could see some foundations. It is now the Martin ranch and the owners live in Redding.


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