OAKHURST — Come one, come all and come hungry to the 2019 Soroptimist Spring fundraiser — their famous soup and salad luncheon is on Thursday, Mar. 21, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Oakhurst Community Center.
This major fundraiser will benefit the local club’s projects, which include giving out scholarships for high school and college students throughout the year.
Soroptimist International is a volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs which lead to social and economic empowerment. Founded in 1921, Soroptimist has approximately 95,000 members in 120 countries and territories.
Soroptimist members belong to local clubs which determine community focus projects and programs in addition to supporting organization-wide programs. Our local club, Soroptimist International of The Sierras, was founded in 1968 and has logged over 50 years of giving back to our local community.
There will be a salad bar set up with fresh delicious toppings, plus various homemade green salads, pasta, and potato salads, two delicious soups, rolls, iced tea, coffee, and our Soroptimist famous lemon cake!
The main raffle will begin at 1 p.m. You do not need to be present to win if you register your tickets with Soroptimist before you leave the event.
This year there will be more than sixty raffle items that have been generously donated by individuals and businesses in our community. Again, there will be the “Easter Basket – Balloon Pop Raffle” available first come, first served basis, which gives everyone a chance to take home a raffle prize instantly. Each Balloon Pop is $25 and will have gift items of $25 or more, while some baskets will be worth over $100.
Sponsors include Sierra Tel, McGoldrick & McGoldrick Attorneys at Law, Mark Wallo Pump Service, River Creek Golf Course, Yosemite Bank, and Oakhurst Round Table Pizza.
Grab your tickets before they’re sold out! All-you-can eat meal tickets are $15 each and may be purchased from any Soroptimist member, or online (small convenience fee applies from Eventbrite.) Take out is also offered and may be picked up at the Community Center.
Interested in becoming a new Soroptimist member? Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at the Oakhurst Grill. Contact the club at SISierras@Soroptimist.net for more information.