CLOVIS – In response to the severe weather that is anticipated on and around the Sierra National Forest starting tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th, a series of preparatory actions are being taken. Forest staff is coordinating closely with County and Law Enforcement personnel. Emergency response equipment is being relocated to where it can be most responsive.
With the inclement weather expected, the High Sierra (HSRD) and Bass Lake Ranger District (BLRD) Offices will be closed for in-person visitors from Thursday, March 9th, at 12:00 – Friday, March 10th.
Similarly, to our support when closed during the COVID response, District staff will still be available virtually. HSRD staff will be able to be reached at (559) 855-5355 from 0800 to 1630. Similarly, BLRD staff can be reached at (559) 877-2218 from 0800 to 1630. The Forest Supervisor’s Office in Clovis will remain open to the public from 10:00-3:00 and can be reached at (559) 297-0706.
Visitors and residents alike are strongly encouraged to heed County warnings on this situation, be extremely cautious if travel is essential, and stay informed of the latest news and weather. If you are planning to visit the Forest Service office for information regarding future recreational activities, the purchase of passes, permits, or maps during these dates, please plan accordingly.
You may also visit our forest webpage at and our Facebook at
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