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Public Meeting On Italian Bar Road Bridge Replacement

NORTH FORK  – Fresno County is hosting a public workshop to discuss the Italian Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project. The bridge connects Madera and Fresno Counties over the San Joaquin River just north of Redinger Lake.

An Open House is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 22, at the North Fork Elementary School cafeteria, from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be a presentation at 6:30 p.m.

Italian Bar Bridge load limits sign This meeting will inform the public by providing an overview of the bridge replacement project. Attendees will view displays, talk with project team members, hear a brief presentation and have the opportunity to ask questions and provide input.

The project is sponsored by Fresno County in cooperation with Madera County, and is funded with 100 percent federal reimbursement through the Highway Bridge Program.


• This project proposes to replace the existing Italian Bar Road Bridge over Redinger Lake (San Joaquin River).

Italian Bar Bridge deteriorating• The existing bridge is a 5-Span steel truss structure with timber decking built in 1925. It is 241 feet long and 12 feet wide between the railings and is classified as both “Structurally Deficient” and “Functionally Obsolete” on the Caltrans Local Agency Bridge List.

• This project proposes to construct a new 2-span steel girder bridge downstream of the existing bridge measuring 205 feet in length and 22 feet in width between the bridge railings.

• After the new bridge is constructed, the existing bridge will be removed. The roadway profile will be raised approximately 5 feet to meet vertical clearance requirements over the river.

• One utility pole on the Fresno County side will be relocated as well. Temporary in-channel work during low water periods will be required to construct bridge abutments, one bridge pier, and rock slope protection.

• No pile driving is anticipated for this project. Realignment of the approach roadways will require large cuts in the existing rock surfaces and will be the first order of work.


Italian Bar Bridge drive surface• The existing bridge will remain open for traffic during construction of the new bridge. However, there will be several periods of complete road closures which are not anticipated to exceed 4 hours at a time.

• To allow for the safe access of construction equipment, the Whiskey Creek Tributary Bridge (currently load restricted) on County Road 225 (Italian Bar Road) in Madera County will be temporarily reinforced prior to construction.

• Several potential staging areas have been identified that could be used at the discretion of the construction contractors. The Chawanakee School parking lot on the Fresno County side is one of the potential staging areas that could be used by the contractor. In addition, flat areas adjacent to Italian Bar Road near the bridge would be used for staging efforts as well.


• The project is currently in the preliminary engineering and environmental assessment phase. Environmental clearance is expected by February 2016.

• Design of the project would be completed by Fall 2016. The construction schedule will be determined once environmental clearance of a preferred alternative is completed. Currently, construction could begin as early as Spring 2017 and be completed with 18 to 24 months.

For more information, visit http://www.co.fresno.ca.us/bridges or contact Michael Stavropoulos, P.E. – Senior Engineer, Department of Public Works and Planning at (559) 600-4534 or mstavropoulos@co.fresno.ca.us

Map location of Italian Bar Bridge

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