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Image of a thermostat.
PG&E offers ways to reduce energy usage as many customers may be using both their furnaces as well as their air conditioners right now.

PG&E Offers Simple Steps To Improve Energy Efficiency

Spring is Here! Follow these Simple Steps to Improve Energy Efficiency in the Home

SAN FRANCISCO — This week Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) marks the beginning of spring by offering simple steps to keep energy efficiency in mind during the March equinox. It’s entirely possible to use both the furnace and air conditioner on any given spring day as temperatures can range dramatically from day to night. Here are ways to stay comfortable in the home this spring while managing energy use and electric bills:

  • Install and set a programmable thermostat. Save an estimated 10% annually on heating and cooling costs by using a programmable thermostat.
  • Reduce water heating costs. Lower the water heater temperature and install low-flow showerheads.
  • Switch to ENERGY STAR appliances, fans, and electronics. Using ENERGY STAR certified products throughout the home could save nearly $750 over the lifetime of the products.
  • Choose energy-saving lighting. Replacing 5 of the home’s most frequently used lights with energy-efficient ENERGY STAR bulbs could save up to $75 a year in energy costs.
  • Maintain your heating and cooling system. Check and replace air filters regularly.  A qualified technician can help with annual maintenance.

Customers can also reduce costs this spring by tracking and analyzing energy usage with the following steps:

  • Create an Online Account. Customers can access energy cost and usage with information down to the day, see a personalized rate comparison to determine if they are on the best rate, and more. Sign up for an online account at www.pge.com.
  • Take a Home Energy Checkup. In less than 5 minutes, customers can find how much of their home energy use goes to cooling, heating hot water, appliances, lighting, and other uses. The results enable customers to make customized changes to enhance the home’s energy efficiency, along with estimates of how much money can be saved. www.pge.com/home-energy-checkup.

PG&E offers a variety of financial assistance programs for income-qualified customers including California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE), Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA), Energy Saving Assistance Program, and payment plans. For more tips on how to save this spring and summer, visit www.pge.com/summer.

Image of wildflowers peaking up out of the snow.

Image by Andres Siimon.







About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit pge.com and pge.com/news.

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