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Mountain Area High Schools Participate in Madera County Academic Decathalon

MADERA COUNTY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES – The 39th Madera County Academic Decathlon and the first virtual competition had 7 schools competing on February 6, 2021 in the 10 event competition answering questions based on the topic “The Cold War.”

Madera High South High School was the overall winner with our own Glacier High School Charter coming in second only 51.7 points behind and finishing in third was Liberty High School.

Madera High South finished with a total of 28,727.6 points and will advance to the California Academic Decathlon and compete against the best teams in the state March 19-21, 2021.

Chawanakee Academy Charter, Chowchilla Union High School, Madera High School, Matilda Torres High School and Yosemite High School made up the 7 schools competing this year.

“We are proud of all of our student decathletes for participation virtually this year. Their dedication ad determination to succeed is inspiring,” said Dr. Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools.

Glacier High School Charter won the Super Quiz Competition. The Super Quiz was held via zoom this year. Students were allowed to communicate with their fellow members via phone while while Dr. Massetti read the questions on Zoom.

Family, friends and supporters were invited to watch the Super Quiz live on YouTube.

Decathlon teams have 25 members competing in three levels of competition: Honor, Scholastic, and Varsity students. Competition levels are based on the students’ grade  point average.

All tests were held online, including the speech and interview competitions . Community members volunteered to judge this year’s competition via Zoom. Students entered individual breakout rooms and delivered speeches and were interviewed for competition.

A total of 124 medals were handed out at the awards ceremony.

Chawanakee Academy Charter received a total of 4 medals:  1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze.  Chowchilla Union High received 15 medals:  3 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze.  Glacier High Charter received 33 medals: 7 gold, 14 silver and 12 bronze.  Liberty High was awarded 23 medals: 6 gold, 7 silver and 10 bronze.  Madera High received 4 bronze medals.  Madera South High received 28 medals: 11 gold, 9 silver and 8 bronze.  Matilda Torres High School received 5 medals: 2 gold and 3 bronze.  Yosemite High was awarded 12 medals: 5 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.

To view the virtual awards ceremony video click here: https://youtu.be/FoVu6qfNCNQ

Abril Chavez, a senior from Madera South High School was the top scoring decathlete for the second year, scoring 6,025.3 points out of 10,000 across the 10 events.  She received the EECU Outstanding Scholar Award of $500.00.

The top scoring senior from each school will receive a $100 scholarship.  The following students earned the senior honors:

Glacier High School Charter – Clayton Wallen

Liberty High School – Aaliyah Razvi

Madera South High School – Abril Chavez

Yosemite High School – Lexey Jenkins-Nyce

The Madera South team members who will be participating in the state competition, led by coach Leslie Rouse are: Honors Division-Abril Chavez, Glorimar Cortez-Velasquez, Angelita Daza-Mendez; Scholastic Division-Syan Chavira, Eddie Ramon-Gonzalez, Emily Santos; Varsity Division-Daniel Lupian Ceja, Miguel Ortiz-Garcia, Jonathan Wiggins.

“We wish the Madera South team the best of luck at the state competition,” said Dr. Massetti.

The Madera County Academic Decathlon is funded by donations from local businesses and community members.  The Madera County Schools Foundation proudly supports the event.

Here is a list of all medal winners:



Gold: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School

Silver: Winston Samuelson, Chawanakee Academy Charter

Bronze: Tigerlilly King, Glacier High School

Bronze: Berit Scott, Yosemite High School


Gold: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School

Silver: Elijah Mills, Glacier High School

Bronze: Magaly Mendoza-Cruz, Matilda Torres High School


Gold: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Silver: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Bronze: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School



Gold: Nicholas Fongemie, Liberty High School

Silver: Angelita Daza-Mendez, Madera South High School

Bronze: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School


Gold: Hunter McGowan, Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School

Bronze: Elijah Mills, Glacier High School

Bronze: Clayton Wallen, Glacier High School


Gold: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Silver: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Bronze: Alexandra Melchor, Madera South High School

Bronze: Samuel Rauschenberg, Liberty High School

Bronze: Rajdeep Singh, Chowchilla Union High School



Gold: Abril Chavez, Madera South High School

Gold: Kayla Peterson, Yosemite High School

Silver: Yevgevny Beams, Glacier High School

Bronze: Jacqueline Bolanos, Matilda Torres High School


Gold: Ryan Avila, Liberty High School

Silver: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Bronze: Daniel Santiago Lopez, Madera High School


Gold: Miguel Ortiz-Garcia, Madera South High School

Silver: Jenesis Borrego-Ruiz, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: Charles Grijalva, Liberty High School



Gold: Yevgevny Beams, Glacier High School

Silver: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School

Silver: Aaliyah Razvi, Liberty High School

Bronze: Abril Chavez, Madera South High School

Bronze: Glorimar Cortes-Velasquez, Madera South High School

Bronze: Camryn Mills, Glacier High School


Gold: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Silver: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School

Bronze: Emma Piedra, Liberty High School


Gold: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Silver: Yesenia Sanchez, Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School

Bronze: Carlos Briceno, Liberty High School

Language & Literature


Gold: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School

Gold: Winston Samuelson, Chawanakee Academy Charter

Silver: Kayla Peterson, Yosemite High School

Bronze: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School


Gold: Elijah Mills, Glacier High School

Silver: Jennifer Hernandez-Penafiel, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School


Gold: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Silver: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Bronze: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School



Gold: Jackson Roeder, Glacier High School

Silver: Abril Chavez, Madera South High School

Silver: Aaliyah Razvi, Liberty High School

Bronze: Angelita Daza-Mendez, Madera South High School


Gold: Hunter McGowan, Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Bronze: Jennifer Hernandez-Penafiel, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: Alexis Ward, Madera High School


Gold: Miguel Ortiz-Garcia, Madera South High School

Gold: Cameron Schoolcraft, Liberty High School

Gold: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Silver: Charles Grijalva, Liberty High School

Silver: Austin Medlock, Liberty High School

Silver: Rajdeep Singh, Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School

Bronze: Noah Clark, Liberty High School

Bronze: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Bronze: Caleb Mills, Glacier High School

Bronze: Samuel Rauschenberg, Liberty High School

Bronze: Yesenia Sanchez, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: Lily Vang, Liberty High School



Gold: Lexey Jenkins-Nyce, Yosemite High School

Silver: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School

Bronze: Winston Samuelson, Chawanakee Academy Charter


Gold: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School

Silver: Adrian Aldridge, Glacier High School

Silver: Hunter McGowan, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: Logan Chand, Madera South High School

Bronze: Jennifer Hernandez-Penafiel, Chowchilla Union High School

Bronze: Magaly Mendoza-Cruz, Matilda Torres High School

Bronze: Daniel Santiago Lopez, Madera High School


Gold: Daniel Lupian Ceja, Madera South High School

Silver: Alexandra Melchor, Madera South High School

Silver: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Bronze: Caleb Mills, Glacier High School



Gold: Abril Chavez, Madera South High School

Silver: Yevgevny Beams, Glacier High School

Silver: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School

Bronze: Emma Henson, Chowchilla Union High School


Gold: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Silver: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School

Bronze: Emily Santos, Madera South High School

Bronze: Daniel Santiago Lopez, Madera High School


Gold: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School

Silver: Rajdeep Singh, Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Bronze: Alexis Gil, Madera South High School

Bronze: Caleb Mills, Glacier High School

Social Science


Gold: Jacqueline Bolanos, Matilda Torres High School

Silver: Eli Lockwood, Glacier High School

Silver: Cole Muraszewski, Glacier High School

Bronze: Jolee Harvey, Chowchilla Union High School


Gold: Magaly Mendoza-Cruz, Matilda Torres High School

Gold: Elijah Mills, Glacier High School

Silver: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Bronze: McKenna Kilian, Yosemite High School


Gold: Miguel Ortiz-Garcia, Madera South High School

Silver: Jonathan Wiggins, Madera South High School

Bronze: Carlos Briceno, Liberty High School



Gold: Lexey Jenkins-Nyce, Yosemite High School

Silver: Yevgevny Beams, Glacier High School

Bronze: Aaliyah Razvi, Liberty High School

Bronze: Winston Samuelson, Chawanakee Academy Charter


Gold: John Reynoso-Mendoza, Liberty High School

Silver: Adrian Aldridge, Glacier High School

Bronze: Skyler Poodry, Liberty High School


Gold: Yesenia Sanchez Chowchilla Union High School

Silver: Corban Stanford, Glacier High School

Bronze: Kalei Reed, Glacier High School

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