MADERA COUNTY–Notice is hereby given that the following measures will be voted on at the November 5, 2024, Consolidated General Election to be held in the County of Madera:
City of Chowchilla Measure N:
To prevent violent crimes and losing experienced Chowchilla police officers; maintain 911 police, fire, emergency medical response times; provide firefighter training; prevent cuts to fire protection equipment/fire engines; maintain safe parks; and other safety services, shall a measure be adopted to reauthorize Chowchilla’s Measure N 1 ¢ sales tax, providing $2,500,000 annually only for Chowchilla, until ended by voters, without raising tax rates and continuing oversight/audits? Yes, No
County Measure T:
To keep local streets, highways, and infrastructure in good repair; fix potholes, pave local streets; improve highway safety, evacuation routes/emergency vehicle access; retrofit older bridges/overpasses; qualify for matching funds; require 80% of funds for local roads, shall an Ordinance be adopted continuing Madera County’s voter-approved half-cent sales tax without increasing the tax rate, renewing $22,000,000 annually for 20 years starting in 2027, with citizen oversight, audits, public spending disclosure and all money staying local? Yes, No
Submitting Arguments
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that 5:00 pm, on August 9, 2024, is hereby fixed as the final deadline for filing arguments in favor of, or against county measures, and said arguments cannot exceed three hundred (300) words in length. To be eligible for printing and distribution as provided by law, any such arguments must be received and filed with the Madera County Clerk-Recorder Elections Division no later than said date and time and must be accompanied by a Ballot Argument Signature Statement, signed, and dated by the author(s).
NOTICE IS ALSO HERBY GIVEN that if an argument in favor of and an argument against the measure is submitted, copies will be mailed to the respective authors in order that they may submit a rebuttal argument not to exceed two hundred fifty (250) words. Rebuttal arguments must be filed not later than 5:00 pm on August 19, 2024, and must also be accompanied by a Ballot Argument Signature Statement, signed, and dated by the author(s).
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN forms for writing arguments and rebuttals may be obtained in person at the Madera County Clerk-Recorder Elections Division, 200 W. 4th Street, Madera, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm or by phone at (800) 435-0509 or at
Dated: July 24, 2024, by R. Martinez, Madera County Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters