MADERA COUNTY — Madera County Department of Public Health (MCDPH), in partnership with the Live Well Madera County (LWMC) Coalition, have released the LWMC 2023 Community Health Assessment (CHA). This comprehensive report takes a deep dive into the community’s health and social needs and is key in helping to better understand the health of the people who live in Madera County.
The CHA process takes place every 3‐5 years and involves reviewing local health data and listening to the community. LWMC, a multi‐sectorial coalition with a mission to assess, collaborate and transform is the guiding partnership for this assessment. LWMC and local community‐based organizations collected nearly 1,700 community surveys and conducted multiple focus groups and interviews.
A special effort was made to hear from populations that are traditionally harder to reach such as monolingual and rural communities. The issues that rose to the top include economic insecurity, access to care, lack of social support, neighborhood and environment concerns, chronic disease (diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease), mental health, domestic and youth violence, and substance abuse.
“This assessment was a collaborative effort that involved LWMC partners as well as departments of public health, hospitals, and community‐based organizations throughout the region. I believe we have accurately captured the priorities of the community and hope this report will be used to help decisionmakers and partners design and implement strategies that address the key areas of the report’s findings,” said Public Health Director Sara Bosse.
The 2023 CHA is the foundational step in a process to improve the health of the community. The data collected will be presented to the community throughout May and June and used to further narrow the top priorities. LWMC will use this feedback to develop a multi‐year action plan with measurable goals and objectives called the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The CHIP is expected to be published in early Fall of 2023.
To view the Madera County 2023 Community Health Assessment visit or to request a physical copy, please contact 559‐615‐7893.
Check out this short video with ways to improve your health in 2023!