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Temporary Office Relocation: Planning, Building, and Environmental Health Departments

Mariposa County’s Office Relocation: What You Need to Know

MARIPOSA COUNTY–The Mariposa County Planning, Building, and Environmental Health Departments, located at 5100 Bullion Street, have announced a temporary office closure to undertake a significant flooring project. The closure will occur from January 13th, 2025, to February 2nd, 2025. This will allow for the completion of essential upgrades, including carpet removal, preparing concrete surfaces, sealing floors to mitigate potential moisture issues, and installing durable new flooring materials.

The offices expect to reopen on February 3rd, 2025. This timeline may change depending on any necessary changes to the project’s scope as work progresses.

During the closure, select Development Services staff members will provide in-person assistance from a temporary location at the Mariposa County Health and Human Services offices, 5362 Lemee Lane in Mariposa, to the left in the main lobby area. Building Department services will be available from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Planning and Environmental Health services from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These services include general counter inquiries, permit application assistance, and intake and review for Building, Planning, and Environmental Health matters.

All other team members of the affected departments will continue working remotely. This will ensure that residents and businesses experience minimal disruption to service availability.

The County recommends that residents and contractors interested in applying for permits utilize the Online Development Services Permit Center, available on the Mariposa County website at https://www.mariposacounty.org/2921/Development-Services-Permitting-Center.

If Permit Center users require assistance, the Development Services staff members working at the Health and Human Services offices will be available to provide in-person support.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the following departments by phone or email during the closure.


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