SACRAMENTO–Wildfire Preparedness Week is May 1 – 7, 2023. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and our partner agencies will host five statewide events throughout the week to raise awareness of what individuals and communities can do to help protect against the threat of wildfires. By preparing well in advance of a wildfire and taking steps now to reduce wildfire risks, you can dramatically increase your safety, the safety of your community, and the survivability of your home.
The focus of these events is to raise awareness and encourage families and communities to take a hands-on approach to wildfire preparedness, including how state, federal, and local public safety organizations are preparing for the 2023 fire year, the importance of fuel reduction and vegetation management projects, and ways the public can prepare for wildfire now through home hardening and defensible space.
CAL FIRE will be joined by the California Natural Resources Agency, United States Forest Service, California Office of Emergency Services, California National Guard, California Conservation Corps, and other local, state, and federal fire and emergency officials to speak about wildfire preparedness and fuel reduction projects.
“As we continue to deal with the impacts of climate change, we want to encourage Californians to be prepared for this fire year. This past winter’s historic rainfall resulted in enormous growth of fuel that will likely result in fast moving grass fires throughout the state. It is vital that California’s residents take the necessary steps to prepare themselves in the case of wildfire.” CAL FIRE Chief Joe Tyler
On September 6, 2022, Governor Newsom signed AB-179, the Budget Act of 2022, which provides more than $1.3 billion over the next two years to accelerate forest health and wildfire resilience projects throughout the state. With these new investments, the Newsom Administration has committed more than $2.8 billion to the Governor’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan. Through grants to regionally based partners and collaborators, CAL FIRE seeks to significantly increase fuel management, including reducing hazardous fuels, conserving and restoring forests, and treating degraded areas.
Firefighting alone cannot protect us. Californians have an important role in preventing wildfires as well as preparing for the upcoming wildfire season. Now is the time to ensure adequate defensible space around homes and buildings, make homes more fire-resistant, and have an emergency preparedness/escape plan. This is especially important since approximately 25 percent of the state’s responsibility area is in a high or very high-severity fire zone. Thousands of communities depend on smart planning and prevention tools such as protective fuel breaks, defensible space around homes, and home hardening for their safety and survival. These tools work together to build more fire-resilient communities.
Californians can learn about all aspects of wildfire safety and preparedness, including how to obtain local alerts, checklists for preparedness, evacuation planning, and more at