Home » Community » HOW Oakhurst Honors Kelli Montgomery in November
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The overwhelming emotional & heartfelt support that we give our recipients is the energy behind the Helping One Woman Organization.

HOW Oakhurst Honors Kelli Montgomery in November

OAKHURST–Join Helping One Woman (HOW) Oakhurst in honoring November recipient Kelli Montgomery. Long-time local Kelli Montgomery moved to the mountain community in 1996 with her grandparents. She graduated from Yosemite High School in 2003 and attended Oakhurst Community College for two years.

Kelli’s Story

In July of this year, Kelli’s doctor found a diabetic ulcer on her big toe. By July 15th, Kelli was admitted to Clovis Community due to infection. Since then, Kelli has had multiple surgeries, which resulted in the amputation of her big toe, the removal of the ball joint, and a very large upper portion of her left foot. On July 25th, Kelli was transferred to the Majestic Mountain Care Facility here in Oakhurst. Her last surgery was on October 10th, with the hopes of being released on October 31st.

Kelli is currently in a wheelchair and requires lots of care. She will need daily physical therapy in order to regain mobility. The goal is to heal well enough so that she can be fitted with a prosthetic. The doctors have indicated this could take two or more years.

Kelli is on a healing journey and has expressed deep thanks to her partner and family for standing by her during this very difficult time.

We hope you will join us on Wednesday, November 20th, to show Kelli the love and support of her community.

Rebecca Brokaw and April Hill lovingly sponsor Kelli.

The Details

When: Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00pm

Where: Bee’s Bakery Cafe, Oakhurst

RSVP required: https://mysosevent.com/events/howoakhurst-kellimontgomery

HOW It Works

PREPAID dinner tickets are a requirement. Please reserve your ticket & pre-pay for your meal at www.MySOSEvent.com in advance. Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:00pm, prize drawing at 7:00pm. Dinner is open seating, RSVP deadline is Saturday, November 16th. There are NO ticket sales available at the door.

• Sign into your www.MySOSEvent.com account. Simply click RESERVE, SELECT a TICKET (your meal option). Click ADD ANOTHER TICKET for each guest. Please provide the name of your guest. Include both first and last name of your guest. Cancel or modify reservations by Saturday, November 16th.

• A $10.00 minimum monetary recipient gift is collectable at the door, payable in cash, check or Zelle. Checks should be payable to Kelli Montgomery.

• Raffle, silent and/or live auction items available! Prize drawing tickets and desserts available for purchase.

ALL monies collected are gifted to our recipient, Kelli.

Special Menu offered by Bee’s Bakery Cafe

• Chicken Bruschetta Pasta: $22.94

Served with green beans and house made focaccia.

• Minestrone Soup and Salad: $22.94

Served with house made focaccia.

>> All meals include soda, tea or lemonade.


• Interested in contributing a prize drawing or auction item? Please contact a HOW Leader. We are happy to meet you in town at your convenience.

• You do not need to know our recipient to join the fun. Men & children are welcome. We are family friendly. All friends are welcome.

• Make your own nomination! Nominations are made in person by attending a HOW Dinner. One adult per nomination form per dinner, so bring friends! Not sure your recipient qualifies to be nominated? Contact Helping One Woman with questions.

• Kelli will randomly draw our January nominee at the end of the evening. HOW does not hold a dinner in the month of December.

The overwhelming emotional & heartfelt support that we give our recipients is the energy behind the Helping One Woman Organization. We look forward to sharing this energy with you on Wednesday, November 20th when we will honor Kelli.

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