7:29 pm Update: The fire is listed at 115 acres with 20% containment according to Incident Commander. Some aircraft are being released for the night. 4 helicopters and plus one air attack requested for tomorrow.
There is hose lay around the right flank and head of fire, still working on the left flank. Continuing with evacuation warnings until at least 10 am tomorrow morning.
5:06 pm Update: The Power Fire has been mapped by FIRIS at 78 acres as of 4:48 pm.
AUBERRY — A vegetation fire at Powerhouse Rd and Kerckhoff Lake on the Fresno County side of the lake was reported today September 6th, 2022, at 3:26 pm.

Power Fire from Corrine Lake – Courtesy of Ryan Hansen

Photo Courtesy of Michael Purkey
The Power fire has reached 150 acres with moderate spread and a potential of 300 acres. The fire behavior is Terrain and wind driven.
More resources are in route with structures threatened.
Air attack reporting moderate rate of spread, making good progress on the right flank and have retardant along the right flank as well. Dozers are working on the head of the fire.
Click for Evacuation Information
Click for CALFIRE Incident Report
The evacuation map can be viewed here: Evacuation Map
We will continue to update as more information is available.